Реферат: How A Case Study Appears Essay Research

Fresh daily no yes

Entertainment is another form of competition as that is popular with the general market of customers within the CDB .

The size of the building in which a business is done can affect consumer service. To run a business that serves liqueur needs a license. This license also says how many people can fit into a building at a time. On a Tuesday when the place is packed out because of the reduced oyster prices, the bar license stops any extra people being allowed in and this restricts the amount of business that can be done.

Also storage space restrictions affects the discounts that could be gained on bulk orders.

Products, Services & Markets

For marketing, The Oyster Bar relies mostly on good service and word of mouth. Jason Bernardi says that “a good staffing line up, providing the best possible service is the best form of marketing and it is this that sells the business”.

Other techniques used in marketing include a website , the business name on all staff uniforms and sale of these clothes such as tops and baseball caps to customers. Radio promotions as well as newspaper advertisements are also used.

Consumer Demand

In today’s liqueur business, there are many drinks that are fashionable and so The Oyster Bar needs to have these in order to make customers happy and make a profit. Staff need to pay attention to requests for any beer not in stock, then make the decision as to whether or not they should invest in this new product.

Oysters are not everybody’s favorite food, so staff again need to take notice of whether more people like cooked oysters rather than raw, or what sort of toppings they want. Then the menu may be changed to adapt to particular demand.

The Oyster Bar managers also monitor competition. “Everyone is competition and we cannot afford to ignore that point.” says Bernardi.

Mission Statement & Goals

The motivation for employees is set out within the business mission statement. Posted on a wall in the bar the mission statement reads:

‘It is our policy to provide fresh daily, the highest quality oysters fresh from South Australia. We complement our food with superb South Australian wines from our world-renowned regions.’

Another mission statement not written relates to the idea of quality service to the customer community. All staff are continuously reminded of this statement through managerial support. For Jason Bernadi mission statements direct a business to achieving the goals that they set out to achieve. See Table 2. for The Oyster Bar’s Business Goals

Table 2. Business Goals

Goals Definition

Financial Gain a profit through good quality services.

Personal Franchise throughout Australia & Asia

Social Provide consistently good hospitable service to all customers

The business is currently in a growth stage of the business life cycle as a result of the newly opened Holdfast Shores Oyster Bar.

Ownership & Directors

The stakeholders of this business are Eddie Taylor , Tamara Taylor partnered with Jason and Marlene Bernardi. Jason and Eddie direct the work, yet both have different responsibilities. Jason is the day-to-day organizer whereas Eddie has a director/board type responsibility. As part of this he takes on the responsibility for focusing on future directions. These are all the stakeholders and they are all internal to the business.


The business environment of The Oyster appears to be one of a respectable nature. Its reputation is solid and the good name is well known throughout Adelaide. I recommend that if the expansion plans of Jason Bernardi are to eventually exist, then a large amount of the determining factors, lies in the marketing and advertising of the bar itself. This is the primary key to expansion and through the current strategies of marketing, I can see this expansion occurring.


The Oyster Bar is recognized as a safe working environment by being legally allowed to operate. I conclude this from the Occupational Health and Safety survey as well as other Work Environment Questions that were conducted on The Oyster Bar.

Important areas of this survey include:


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