Реферат: How Many Physical Constants are Truly Fundamental?

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7. N. Kosinov, Five Fundamental Constants of Vacuum, Lying in the Base of all Phisical Laws, Constants and Formulas, Physical Vacuum and Nature, ¦4, 2000.

8. N. Kosinov, Z. Kosinova, Connection of Gravitational Constant G and Planck Constant h, 51st International Astronautical Congress 2-6 Oct. 2000/Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

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11. ю. Sacharov, Infringement of CP-invariancy, C - symmetry and baryonous asymmetry of the universe, The letters in GETF,vol.5, 1967, p.g.33-35.

12. N. Kosinov, V. Garbaruk, Vacuum origin of Electron , Physical vacuum and nature, N1, 1999.

13. N.Kosinov, V.Garbaruk ,Vacuum origin of Electron and Positron". Physical Vacuum and Nature, N4, 2000.

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