Реферат: Hurricanes Essay Research Paper How a Hurricane

These are just some of the more devastating hurricanes that have hit mainland throughout history.

Hurricane Seeding

In the 1960s the US Navy Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) tried to weaken hurricanes by seeding them. The basic idea was to seed the clouds just outside the eye with silver iodide. The silver iodide, which is widely used in cloud seeding, encourages super cooled water to freeze. This releases latent heat which would make clouds grow. , stealing some of the humid air that is helping the cloud wall grow. It also creates strong winds.

It worked with Hurricane Beulahin 1963, and Hurricane Debbie in 1969. The only problem is scientists have no way of telling if these hurricanes would have weakened anyway. Hurricanes often weaken and then regain strength naturally. Also in the 1980s scientists figured out that there wasn?t enough super cool water for this to work effectively. Concerns have also been made that this could cause the hurricanes to redirect itself and cause even more damage in other areas. For these reasons hurricane seeding is no longer used. One good thing did come out of hurricane seeding anyway. The NOAA ended up gaining a lot of information for hurricane research.

Latent Heat

Latent heat is the heat given off by water as it changes phases. It is a major source of energy for thunderstorms and hurricanes. It also is a factor in any process involving water, such as the forming of snow crystals. The graphic above shows what happens during evaporation – the phase change from liquid to vapor. Fast-moving air molecules in warm air collide with liquid water molecules. The water could be falling rain drops or in a pond or a bowl. The collision transfers energy from the air molecules to the water molecules. This gives some of the water molecules enough energy to speed up, break away from the liquid and go into the air as water vapor. Since energy can’t be created or lost, the air molecules lose energy and slow down. This lowers their temperatures; the air cools. Perspiration evaporating from our bodies cools us by taking heat energy from our skin in a similar way.

Heat is added to the air when the water condenses from a gas to a liquid. This uses the same process as air being cooled by evaporating water, except the energy is transferred from the water molecule into the air. Energy added to the air, heats the air and makes it lighter. The lighter air rises. This is what feeds hurricanes and thunderstorms.

Latent heat uses the same principles as thermodynamics. None of energy is wasted.

How to Prepare For a Hurricane

1. Check to see if your area is at risk of being hit by a hurricane. Consult, newspapers, ask your neighbors and go to the local library. If you live near a coast on the west side of the Atlantic, North Pacific, or South Pacific then your area is at risk of being hit by a hurricane.

2. Research:

How high the area is above sea level

If you are near a river

The height of the ground between your house and the Coast

The History of hurricanes in your area

3. Make Arrangements to stay somewhere if a hurricane does occur.

Find the fastest route to this place where you will be staying

Make sure most of the road is high above sea level in case of flooding

If there are Emergency shelters in your area then make note where they are

4. Keep:

Lumber, and materials to board up windows

A cooler to keep fresh foods in

First aid kit clearly marked

Camping stove to cook on

Bottled water 14 gallons for each person

Canned food, 2 week supply per person, don?t forget your pets

5. Make sure:

The roof is in good condition

The gutter is clear

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