Реферат: Imperial Presidency Overview Essay Research Paper Imperial
necessary to move the three branches of government into action. He says that
there are several necessary qualities that a president must have in order to
exert this influence. The president must be tenacious while also understanding
of others. If he wants to get anything done, he must be persistent, but it is
necessary that he listen to the opinions of others and use their suggestions. As
an aspect of his persistence, a president must be able to rebound from adversity.
Then, he will have the respect and confidence of the people.
Neustadt writes the book from the perspective of the general public
looking in from the outside. He shows much understanding of the presidency and
an awareness of the position the president is placed in. His great knowledge of
the presidency and his first hand experience with the institution provide him
with the basis for his argument. He contends that the presidency is not as
powerful as we think it is. In fact, he believes that an increase in
presidential power would be good for the country and is not to be feared. In
essence, he contends that presidents should strive for power and strive for it
on their own.
Schlesinger and Neustadt both have an incredible knowledge of the
history of American politics, and both have had first hand experience as counsel
to the president. Although, in their respective books, Schlesinger and Neustadt
express distinctly different opinions. Schlesinger is more wary of presidential
power than Neustadt. Neustadt believes that presidents should try to accumulate
as much power as possible for the good of the country. Schlesinger, on the other
hand, believes that the presidency has accumulated more than enough power, and
the other branches of government should take action to check the trend. Neustadt
believes that presidents gain power through good, hard work and persuasion.
Schlesinger writes that power is the result of sneakiness and boldness. In short,
Neustadt thought that an increase power would be positive, and Schlesinger
thought it would be a detriment.