Реферат: Интонация
Conversational (familiar) - this kind of English is a means for everyday communication, heard in natural conversational interaction between speakers. This style occurs mainly in informal external and internal relationships in speech of relatives, friends, well - acquainted people and so on. So this is spontaneous, colloquial, informal, everyday speech.
Informational - in press reporting, educational descriptive texts. May be represented in monologues, dialogues, polylogues.
Phonostylistic characteristics: Loudness normal or increased; pauses are rather long; rhythm is stable, properly organized; falling tones on the semantic centres, falling- rising in the initial intonation groups
The following example illustrates the use of this intonation pattern in the speech of a radio announcer during news coverage:
ANNOUNCER: … Early `yesterday MORNING the engine `depot at ROUEN was the target of `SABOTEURS.
|| The heavy-MA CHINE shops were totally GUTTED | and e leven `LOCO`MOTIVES | com pletely `DES TROYED.
Booth. «The Sky is Overcast»)
Academic (scientific) - style of lectures (conferences, seminars). The purpose of communication as the speaker’s aim is to attract the listener’s attention, to establish close contacts with the audience and to direct the public attention to the message carried in the contents of the text.
Phonostylistic characteristics: Loudness increased; pauses are rather long; rhythm is properly organized; high proportion of compound terminal tones (high fall + low rise, fall – rise, rise-fall-rise), a great number of high categoric falls.
The various MEANINGS may be classified under two `general HEADS | - the optative SUB JUNCTIVE and the PO` TENTIAL sub junctive. || The `OPTATIVE sub junktive
repre sents `something as DE SIRED, DE` MANDED, or RE`QUIRED (by a person or by CIRCUMSTANCES). || The PO`TENTIAL sub jenctive marks `something as a mere con`caption of the `MIND, but at the same time repre` sents it as something that may PROBABLY or POSSIB LY `BE or BE` COME a reality or on the `OTHER handes as SOMETHING that is contrary to `FACT. ||
(G. O. Curme «A Grammar of the English Language»)
Oratorial - this term serves for many kinds of oratorial activities (especially this style uses in political speeches).
Phonostylistic characteristics: Loudness enormously increased; pauses are definitely long between the passages; rhythm is properly organized; tones mostly emphatic, especially emotionally underlined semantic centres, in non-final intonational groups falling-rising tones are frequent
You can’t have in`formed O`PINION on this `VITAL MATTER with out being kept `VERY much up to DATE with the LATEST FACTS of DE FENCE. Now what IS WRONG with a coa lition GOVERNMENT in time of CRISIS, | but the dreadful `PART of a coa lition government, you KNOW, is that to keep it A LIVE you have to go in for `one, COMPROMISE after A NOTHER.
(D. Crystal and D. Davy «Investigating English Style»)
Declamatory (artistic)- this is the style of declamation. This is a highly emotional and expressive intonational style, that is why it needs special training. This style can be heard on the stage, on the screen, in a TV studio, thus we see that it is always a written form of the language read aloud or recited.
Phonostylistic characteristics: Loudness varied according to the size of the audience and to the emotional setting; pauses are long especially between the passages, prolonged emphatic pauses are used to underline the emphasis; rhythm is properly organized; common use of categoric low and high falls in final and initial intination groups and on semantic centres
The door of the `dining-room was OPEN the gas `turned LOW; | a SPIRIT-urn `hissed on a TEA-tray, and CLOSE to it a cynical- `looking CAT had fallen A SLEEP on the DINING-table. || Old `Jolyon ``shoo`d` her `OFF at once.`` ||
The Comparative Analysis of the Intonation of Basic Positive Emotions in English and Russian Spontaneous Speech
The second part of the 20th century has been marked by special attention to the investigation of intonational variation expressing emotions in speech. Being an indispensable component of oral communication, intonation with other linguistic and extra linguistic means serves to distinguish the communicative types of utterances, to identify the speaker and to convey his attitude to the surrounding reality.
Studies of the prosody of emotions are not numerous, though a growing interest in this area is pointed out. There is still no exhaustive definition of the notion emotion; nevertheless in 80s a great input into the theory of emotions was made by C.Izard.
The material for the investigation was samples of authentic English and Russian emotional spontaneous speech, namely recordings of TV programs, interviews, free talks, situations where people interact in a way that appears spontaneous. We consider it relevant to study the prosody of emotions expressed in eye-to-eye, informal communication, as this is where human attitudes reveal most explicitly.
In the analyzed material 64 spontaneous utterances (32 in English and 32 in Russian) rendering the emotional states of surprise, interest and joy were chosen. The recordings of the three emotions were studied in an intonogram. The focus of the investigation was made on such prosodic parameters, as pitch level, pitch range and intensity level. Intonation was also estimated from the point of view of direction of the F0, whether it is steady, upward or downward.
The results of the contrastive acoustic analysis show, that all the emotions under analysis are characterized by high pitch level both in Russian and English speech.