Реферат: История коневодства в Тамбовской области

In the middle of 19th century up to 300 horses of different breeds from trotters to draught horses were driven to the fair from the stud farms of the region. The prices differed from 30 to 800 rubles depending on the genuineness. Full information about the fairs was published in the special editions like «The Horse Fairs in Russia».

Annually in Tambov took place the exhibitions of farm horses for agricultural needs. The best samples were awarded with the appropriate premiums.

The wars of last and new centuries have tragically reduced the number of wonderful animals, bred in the region by the efforts of many generations. The working conditions of Tambov State stables were also complicated. Nevertheless, some traditions of Russian horse-breeding were saved there.

The history of the soviet period is marked with new prizewinners and famous Russian troika.

Many years the school of horse sports was working in the stables, where 12-year's old boys and girls were taught the bases of equitation and mainly – the love to this wonderful animals.

In the soviet period the state stable was often visited by one of the first marshals of The Union S.M. Budenniy. The Tambov hippodrome was named after him.

Today the live stock of the horses in Tambov region is decreased dramatically and this process continues. The annual reduction is 600-800 heads.

The bibliography:

Головашин А. Ход конем: Из истории нашего края

// Тамбовская жизнь. - 1992. - 7 мая. - С. 3.

Камбегов Б. Коневодство и коннозаводство России. - М.: Росагромиздат,1988. - 224 с.

Ливанова Т. Рысаки Лавровки // Коневодство и конный спорт. - 1984. - № 2. - С. 12-15.

Неровный Н., Гаврилов П., Казеев Б. Лавровскому конному заводу - 150 // Коневодство и конный спорт. - 1965. - № 3. - С. 15-20.

Щербакова М. Празднование юбилея конного завода (К столетию Новотомниковского завода) // Коневодство и конный спорт. - 1960. - № 9. - С. 5-8.

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