Реферат: Legal Issues Case Study For Nursing Essay
? Patency of the airway (at least every 15 minutes, more if in distress)
? Blood pressure (every 30 to 60 minutes)
? Skin color and temperature (every 15 minutes)
? Level of consciousness (every 15 minutes)
? Emesis amount, character, and frequency
Communication throughout the nursing process is crucial for the provision
of safe patient care consistent with the prevailing professional standard.
Spoken communication among all members of the health-care team, and especially
between nurse and physician for clarifying orders, planning patient care, and
reporting significant patient observations is vital to the nursing process.
Equally important is written communication by the nurse in the form of prompt
and accurate entries in the medical record.
Bernzweig, E. (1996). The nurse’s liability for malpractice. (6th ed.). St.
Louis: Mosby
Creasia, J. and Parker, B. (1991). Conceptual foundations of professional
nursing practice. St. Louis: Mosby
Earnest, V. (1993). Clinical skills in nursing practice. (2nd ed.).
Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott