Реферат: Macintosh Vs Ibm Essay Research Paper The
would allow you to install a new sound card or some other plug in card and then just turn on your
computer with out you having to change any jumpers or configure it in any way. The Macintosh
computer and the Windows 95 operating system both have this feature built into it as well as
some of the newer IBM-Compatible BIOS. There have been draw backs to it, for some of the
people that prefer to configure it themselves for the software used to configure the card might
not be able to use a configuration you wish to use.
Apple computers have many things that already come with it, that the IBM-Compatibles do not
always have. For instance they come with a 16-bit sound card, that has voice recognition built
into it. With the voice recognition the operating system was designed to use it in every way you
could think of, you could do anything without typing or clicking on a thing. For instance you
could tell it to Shut Down and it will go through and turn off the computer, or you could write a
letter to a long lost relative just by speaking. The Macintosh computer was designed so that
everything you did was made as easy as possible, so that is why all the software has to be
redone when they add new hardware. If you wanted to eject a disk you stuck into it, you went up
into the pull down menus and told it to eject disk.” You could also shut off the computer from
the pull down menus. This is basically the total opposite of the IBM-Compatible computers. To
eject the disk you just plainly press the little button on the disk drive, and if you wanted to turn off
the computer you just press the power button. The Macintosh computer could run into problems,
say if you had a disk in there and somehow the computer locked up or the power was off, you
would not be able to get that disk out of there. Some of the other things that the latest Macintosh
computers have been coming with are networking cards built into it already. If you wanted to
play a game or transfer files with a friend, you just grabbed a cord and plugged the two
computers together and then you are off. You could also do video conferencing and send email
over the network, as well.
With the way the Macintosh computer was designed you cannot upgrade the sound card for
everything is built into the system, but with an IBM-Compatible computer you could easily take
out one card and put in another. Anything that you add on to the Macintosh has to be put on the
outside, like CD-ROMs and Modems. Also because the Operating System of the Macintosh
relies on the computer’s hardware and was designed for that particular hardware, if you ever