Реферат: Minor League Baseball- Boom Or Bust To
The addition of minor league baseball to communities can provide many benefits.
The greatest benefit is the overall economic lift that minor league baseball brings to a
community. Minor league baseball provides additional jobs. Initially, local individuals
build the stadium. This project takes from six months to a year. An average of 15 full-
time and 125 part-time individuals ranging in age from high school students to older,
retirees are employed at the stadium.
The stadium will be beneficial if it?s useful for the baseball fan as well as any
resident. For approximately seventy nights a year, a stadium will provide an opportunity
for the baseball fan to view professional baseball up close, to identify future stars and to
follow their careers, and to get a glimpse of current major league players who
occasionally are assigned to a minor league team for rehabilitation purposes or who are in
the last stages of their career. The stadium, however, should be more than that. It should
be a community facility that provides many types of recreational resources. A new
stadium is capital improvement and should have a life of more than two decades. If the
stadium and team are to be evaluated as a true community resource, they must serve the
entire community. If a stadium is utilized during the winter months, when baseball is not
played, not only will a community?s quality of life be enhanced, but the economic
development function of the stadium will be maximized as well.
The addition of minor league baseball to an area can be an important tool in
revitalizing an area. The best example that comes to mind is the Harrisburg Senators
located in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. In 1980, after three decades of decline, Harrisburg
was one of the most distressed cities in the nation. It had lost its credit rating and faced
bankruptcy. By 1988, under the leadership of Mayor Stephen Reed, Harrisburg had
become the leading city in economic growth among those with a population 50,000-
75,000. The turn around of the city gained recognition when Harrisburg was named the
second best investment city in eastern United States. Harrisburg officials have identified
several benefits that the city has derived from the presence of the Harrisburg Senators.
The most important benefit has been the redevelopment of City Island. City Island was
Reed’s announced site for a future stadium. The mayor anticipated using the stadium as