Реферат: Minor League Baseball- Boom Or Bust To
there is no professional baseball being played in Fresno, California(Johnson 133).
Franchises Relocating have also been based on a community not meeting the needs
or the demands of the owner. Charlotte Knights owner George Shinn wanted to build a
stadium that would be capable of hosting more than a minor league baseball team. To
make his stadium plans work, Shinn had to avoid use restrictions of this stadium and
consequently needed more land than he could obtain in Charlotte. Shinn and Charlotte
officials negotiations eventually failed because both parties had conflicting side issues and
agendas. City staff members struggled to control the stadium issue. They were primarily
concerned about protecting the city?s investment in the new coliseum. Shinn, looking
beyond Class AA baseball, dreamed of a stadium that could potentially accommodate
major league baseball, professional football, and other forms of entertainment. Later, he
viewed the project as a revenue-generating real estate deal. He was not interested in a
stripped-down stadium(Johnson 121).
An important benefit that has been seen first hand by individuals is the
quality of life minor league baseball adds for the community. It provides affordable family
entertainment by charging fans low ticket costs. In Ottawa, Canada, the ticket prices
range from just $4.20 to $8.40 — the least expensive seats cost less than one-fifth of the
equivalent for Ottawa Senators hockey games. ?This is affordable family entertainment.
You can?t make the excuse you can?t afford to come and bring the kids too,? says Ottawa
Lynx owner Howard Darwin(Allen 48). In Frederick, Maryland, and in Hagerstown,
Maryland, any child who comes to the ball game in any sports uniform gets in
free(Morgenson 40). In Scranton Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, home of the Class AAA
Red Barrons, ticket costs are $3.50 for bleachers, $4.50 for upper grandstand and $6.50
for lower box seats. While in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, home of the Major League
Phillies, tickets range from $5 for bleacher seats at to $16 for level seats behind the box
seats. The contrast in ticket prices between the minor leagues and the major leagues have
been seen all over the United States and Canada.
Minor league baseball has also done a tremendous job of providing good quality
baseball as well as providing entertainment at the game. This has been done with a wide