Реферат: More Human Than Human Essay Research Paper

past vs. future

Themes good vs. evil

hate vs. love

technology vs. man

war vs. peace

Law and order is a relatively big issue in the film, and is to a certain degree combined with technology. We get the impression that big brother always sees you. Everything is monitored: where you are, how you drive, what you say etc. not very unlike how the situation is today, but to a more extreme extent. Luckily for the good guys , the technology has its flaws and can be outsmarted, as shown in the taxi scene. Another known film that deals with this theme is Gattaca.

The only couple in the film, Leeloo and Korben are represented in such a remarkably simple way that analysing it further than the fact that they found each other and fell in love, will be to read something in to the text rather than out of it. And maybe that love sometimes can be uncomplicated is a message in it self.

The Conclusion

I have shown how I have constructed meaning based the methods named above. Even though T5E do not have a deep story, I have tried to illustrate different interpretations of the signs given by the filmmaker without overanalysing or reading things into the text. I have also questioned some of the methods used in an attempt to demonstrate that there is no right or wrong way to read a text, only different interpretations. However, I must say that I do not like the idea of analysing a film in an academic way. By doing that I think we somehow take away some of the sole which every good movies has. Fore example, I cannot express how I feel when I see some of the extraordinary sceneries or even start to describe the atmosphere of certain scenes. It can be like poetry, it is not meant to be understood in a specific way, but to be felt in an individual way.


Cook, D. (1996) D.W. Griffith and the Development of Narrative Form.

A History of Narrative Film Third Edition, New York. London: Emory University. 65

Nietzsche, F (1887) The Genealogy of Moral. 14-18

O`Shaughnessy, M. (1999). Narrative Structure and Binary Oppositions. Media and Society. Melbourne: Oxford University Press. 107 and 126

Ryan, F. (1997 June, issue). Big Bada Boom. Maxim Magazine, 29.

Turner, G. (1993). Film Narrative. Film as Social Practice 2nd Edition, London: Routledge 68

The Fifth Element (1997) [film] USA: 20th Century Fox

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