Реферат: Национальные традиции Республики Беларусь


Belarus: Key Facts .................................................................................................................... 3

Economy ................................................................................................................................... 3

History ................................................................................................................................... 4

Tourism ....................................................................................................................................... 5

Belarusian Culture ................................................................................................................ 6

State policy in the spheres of culture and public life .......................................... 10

Источники ............................................................................................................................... 11

Belarus: Key Facts

Full name: the Republic of Belarus

Government type: presidential republic

President: Alexander Lukashenko

Capital: Minsk (1 million 814 thousand as of January 1, 2008)

Population: 9 million 689,7 thousand as of January 1, 2008)

Major language: Russian, Belarusian (both official)

Monetary unit: Belarusian ruble (Br) (since July 26, 1993)


In 2007, Belarus’ GDP grew by 8.2% (the government forecast was 8-9%). The GDP energy intensity fell by 7.9% (6-7%). The growth of labour efficiency reached 7.7% (7-8.6% as projected by the government).

In 2007, the industrial output in Belarus upped by 8.5% from 2006, which meets the upper forecast margin.

In 2007, the production of consumer goods ramped up by 8.2% from 2006 (8.5-9.5% as projected), including the production of foodstuffs 4.2% (9-10%), the production of nonfoods 11.7% (8-9%). Some companies reported higher rate of growth of productivity of labour than on average country-wide. 14.4% of these companies belonged to the Ministry of Industry, 10.6% to the Bellesbumprom and 15.4% to the Belbiopharm concerns.

In 2007, the production of agricultural products at enterprises of all categories was 4.1% up from 2006, while the forecast predicted a 6-7.5% growth. The production of grain rose by 21.8%, flax by 33.1%, potatoes by 5%.


The core of the first state formation emerged in the land of the Krivichi tribe (in what is now Belarusian territory) in the 9th-12th centuries. Known as the Principality of Polotsk with the center in Polotsk, it was first mentioned in chronicles in 862. Rogvolod was the first Polotsk Duke mentioned in chronicles in the late 10th century. The Principality of Polotsk reached its golden age under the rule of Duke Vseslav of Polotsk known as Vseslav the Sorcerer. The Principality of Turov with the center in Turov emerged in the late 10th century. (More: http://news.belta.by/en/bel/history)

The Republic of Belarus is a member of the United Nations Organization and its institutions, Organization for Security ad Cooperation in Europe, Central European Initiative, Non-Aligned Movement. Belarus cooperates with the European Union, countries of the Asian-Pacific Region, South-East Asia, Middle East, Africa, North and Latin America.


Belarus is the country of rich history and unique culture. Many historical places are located in the territory of Belarus. For example, this is Novogrudok, the first capital of the Great Principality of Lithuania, Polotsk, the capital of the Principality of Polotsk, Turov and Grodno, the centers of the Slavic principalities of the 9th -12th centuries, Mstislavl, the center of a big voivodeship of the 16th century. Old temples and monasteries, palaces and castles, valuable historical and cultural sites survive in many towns of Belarus.


The national team of Belarus took part in seven Olympic Games. Belarusian athletes won 53 Olympic medals.


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