Реферат: О национальных особенностях восприятия и оценки рекламной и коммерческой информации
*рост внимания к проблеме адекватного перевода базовой рекламной информации (слоганов, девизов и т.п.), с учетом дополнительных (неинформационных) функций слова как инструмента мощного эстетического воздействия.
Список литературы
1 См., напр., C.Hoskins, S.McFadyen International Marketing Strategies for a Cultural Service International Marketing Review; 08: 2, 1991;, ISSN: 0265-1335, или Sudhir H.Kale Culture-specific Marketing Communication: An Analytical Approach International Marketing Review; 08: 2, 1991;, ISSN: 0265-1335, или Paul A.Herbig, Hugh E.Kramer The Role of Cross-cultural Negotiations in International Marketing Marketing Intelligence & Planning; 10: 2, 1992;, ISSN: 0263-4503
2 См., напр., Jae W.Hong, Aydin Muderrisoglu, and George M.Zinkhan (1987). Cultural Differences and Advertising Expression: A Comparative Content Analysis of Japanese and U.S.Magazine Advertising. Journal of Advertising, 16 (1): 55-62, 68.
3 A.C.King, S.W.McDaniel China's Concumer Market: How are US Products Perceived? Journal of Concumer Marketing; 06: 4, 1989;, ISSN: 0736-3761
4 Russell W.Belk and Wendy J.Bryce (1985). Materialism and Individual Determinism in U.S. and Japanese Print and Television Advertising. Advances in Concumer Research, 12: 568-72.
5 См., напр., Paul A.Herbig, Hugh E.Kramer The Role of Cross-cultural Negotiations in International Marketing Marketing Intelligence & Planning; 10: 2, 1992;, ISSN: 0263-4503
6 Virginia Matthews Growing Euro-patriotism putting U.S. megabrands in peril/ Marketing On Line 1997, March 24
7 Там же
8 James L.William and John S.Hill (1991). International Advertising Messages: To Adapt or not to Adapt. Journal of Advertising Research, 31 (3): 65-71.
9 Leonidas C.Leonidou Prodact standardization or adaptation: the Japanese approach Journal of Marketing Practice: Applied Marketing Science; 02: 4, 1996; pp. 53-71, ISSN: 1355-2538
10 Ali Kanso (1992). International Advertising Strategies: Global Commitment to local Vision. Journal of Advertising Research, (January/February): 10-13.
11 Аналогичная ситуация вообще характерна для экономически развитых стран с относительно мягкой иммиграционной политикой: США, Германии, и, в меньшей степени, Франции и Великобритании.
12 James Pollock Racial Minorities Become Visible: How the marketing business is changing to reflect the country. Marketing On Line, 1997, March 17.
13 По данным, встречаемым в литературе, эта тенденция в последние годы в еще большей степени проявляется в США: см., напр., Marilyn Kern-Foxworth (1994). Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben, and Rastus: Blacks in Advertising, Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press., или James D.Norris (1990). Advertising and the transformation of American society, 1865-1920. New York, NY: Greenwood Press., или James B.Twitchell (1996). Adcult USA: The Triumph of Advertising in American Culture. New York, NY: Columbia University Press.
14 Fawzia Sheikh. Something Lost in the Translation. Marketing On Line, 1997, March 17
15 Там же
"Реклама и жизнь" № 1, 1997 г.