Реферат: Observant functions of Fund of guaranteing of holding of physical persons in Ukraine

c) Bank appointment of temporary administration of the bank;

d) breaking the bank statutory requirements.

In the event of a bank in the category of temporary members, by an inspection carried out unscheduled inspection of the bank.

2) Excluding banks from the list of participants (provisional members), which is made in case of withdrawal by the NBU license for banking activities or in case of suspension of Bank operations to attract deposits of individuals. The measure does not deprive the depositors whose deposits are involved in the day the Bank receives notification of his transfer to the category of temporary members, entitled to a refund of such deposits in the event of their unavailability under this Act.

3) The Fund must raise the NBU on a bank application of enforcement measures in case of its violation.

4) In the event of breaches referred to in points. "-And in paragraph 1 of the Foundation can send a bank letter of warning. In a letter warning of the Fund shall determine the period during which the bank must eliminate the violations, as well as bank warns of enforcement if neusunennya bank for a fixed term of at least one of the violations listed in the letter. Bank within 5 working days of receipt of the Fund's warning letter, must submit a plan to fund measures to be taken by the bank, from mentioning the removal of violations. Duration of the obligation of the bank should not exceed 90 calendar days or the period specified in the letter of warning.

The control functions of the Fund. The Fund carries out check calculations and checks the completeness and timeliness of transfer fees by each participant (temporary member) of the Fund. For late or incomplete transfer of initial, regular or special meeting participants (temporary members) for a month to pay a fine in the amount of double rate of the National Bank of Ukraine is the size of the transferred amount for each day of delay. To carry out its powers under this Law shall Fund check participants (temporary participants) of the Fund, including through the involvement of independent experts from the Fund. The Fund is entitled to participate in assessments undertaken by the National Bank of Ukraine, on matters within the competence of the Fund pursuant to this Act.

3. Feasibility of new surveillance powers of the Fund Deposit Guarantee

Under consideration in Parliament is the draft law on guaranteeing deposits of individuals, which will replace the currently valid Law on Guarantee Fund Deposit "fund and put the new powers. This is quite a logical step because both the National Bank of Ukraine is now very difficult to combine monetary function and the function of supervision and it was clearly visible against the backdrop of the crisis when the Bank published the refinancing of troubled banks, whose owners have just brought out the money after receiving them. This also indicates a situation which has arisen in the administration of several troubled banks when the interim administration was organized by the fake discovery of deposits of more than one thousand individuals in an amount exceeding $ 200 million. Therefore, the transfer of supervisory functions of the Fund will strengthen the efficiency and speed up resolution of problem banks and the Bank will focus on implementing its main functions - monetary policy. Also, the adoption of this bill will improve the efficiency of banking supervision in return of money spent on fund grant contributions to individuals, and will allow time to optimize decisions on the restructuring of banks and their implementation, which is very important now when the country's 18 banks liquidated. It should be noted that such a practice exists in the U.S. and Germany. Yes, the U.S. engaged in this national system of deposit insurance, and in Russia bank liquidation functions entrusted not to the Central Bank and the Agency insurance premiums. Most likely, the first positive moves in this direction will occur no earlier than one year, because the functioning of the Fund at full capacity and the necessary expertise and time.

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