Реферат: Of the Polish political parties and organizations in Vilnius (1919 - 1922 gg.)

Official representatives of the PNC "Revival" supported by the majority, led by L. Khominskii. On the same basis were formed and lists for the election of the motion.

Intensified as NDP Vilna Earth. November 13, 1921 in Vilna, was a regular congress NDP Vilna Earth. It was confirmed the basic principles which were expressed earlier regarding the occurrence of Central Lithuania to Poland and land reform.

However, the greatest influence in the region had the Polish Central Electoral Committee (PTSIK), an organization which stood at positions close to the Polish right-wing political forces. Support to this Committee received endeki and Christian Democrats. Not played a small role and support unit of the Catholic Church. Given the fact that many minorities in the region were going to boycott the elections, PTSIK, who had a great support of the local Polish population, seriously expect to win.

Serious ambitions were at the Union of People's Councils. PPP Lithuania and Belarus was counting on the votes of workers, railway workers, part of the peasantry and the intelligentsia.

Ethnic minorities have not played any role in the election campaign, did not put them and their own electoral lists. Most of the minority did not participate in the elections [9].

Particularly negative attitude towards the elections took Lithuanians. Belarusians and Jews also were inactive, although not advocated a boycott, as the Lithuanians. In addition, lists of all political forces and was attended by representatives of Belarusian and Jewish origin.

Elections to the Sejm passed Jan. 8, 1922 electoral turnout was 64.4%.

In sum, throughout the Middle Lithuanian and in Leeds and Braslav districts of Wieruszów political parties and blocs were:

PTSIK - Polish Central Elections Committee - 89904; Union of People's Councils - 59518; PDS - The Polish national movement of Vilna land - 24378; PNC - Polish People's Union "Revival" - 20009; PPS - Polish Socialist Party of Lithuania and Belarus - 5496; Democratic Bloc -- 22668.

The victory had supporters of incorporation. This idea is supported by those who gave their votes for the candidates PTsIKa (36% of votes cast), SNA (23,8%), NDP Vilna land (9.8%). Together, these blocks have 84 seats in the Sejm.

Proponents of autonomy have significantly less support of voters. PNC "Revival" (group Khominskii and Mickiewicz) received 8.8% of the vote, Democratic Bloc - 9.1%, PPP Lieb - 2%. Altogether autonomists received 16 seats.

It should be noted that the number of seats are not fully reflect the percentage of the election results. Considered not voting at a general level, and within the constituencies. So, for example, the Democratic Bloc, despite a good overall result of the election (9% of votes), received only 4 seats. At the same time a group of GoB Mickiewicz's "Revival" and the PPP, focusing on the elections in Braslav county got together 6 seats [10].

After the elections, the greatest interest is not so much the political cards on the factions in the Sejm, as the question of the relationship between federalists and supporters of the inclusion of Poland in Vilnius.

By federalists were all left-wing faction, which is about 20 seats. At the same time, the right and the centrists were in favor of the reunification of Central Lithuania and Poland. In addition, many MPs and centrists argued for autonomy for the Central Lithuania, however, on the condition that she and the state of Lithuania with its capital in Kaunas will be in the area of direct influence of Warsaw. At the same time, it was more of a theoretical chance for autonomy. Thus, autonomists really could not take part in deciding the fate of Middle Lithuania.

February 20, 1922 Vilensky Sejm decided on joining the Central Lithuania to Poland. At the same time was elected a delegation of 20 deputies, which in Warsaw at the ceremonial meeting of the Constituent Seimas 24 March 1922 signed an "act of connecting Vilna land and Poland." Polish Sejm on the same day passed a law on adoption of state authority in the land by the Government of Vilna Poland. Delegation of the Vilna Sejm as a whole entered the Constituent Sejm of Poland [11].

Vilensky the Diet was dissolved March 28, 1922 All political forces of the former Central Lithuania is gradually merged into the Nationwide political parties and movements. Thus, the PNC "Revival" at its congress of March 4, 1922 has decided to join the movement of the structure of the TNG "Emancipation" (with the exception of Adam Mickiewicz). This decision also took into PTSIK, whose members moved into the Christian Democrats, the PAN Vilna land - in the TNG "Piast", PPP Lithuania and Belarus - in the PPP.

An election campaign in 1922 in Vilnius province continued. On the agenda was the election of the Polish Parliament.

The greatest influence in the region had TNG "Emancipation". The movement began to form structure even during the election campaign for elections to the Seimas Vilensky.

24-25 June 1922 in Vilna, Congress passed the electoral bloc TNG "Emancipation" and "Rebirth", which brought together 420 delegates representing Novogrudok and Vilna province. The congress approved the merger of the TNG "Emancipation" and PNC "Revival". It was agreed in all districts to set their own candidates. Among the slogans that have used the movement in the campaign, a special place was given to land reform in the interests of local people, right of the Belarusian population to develop education and culture in their native language.

In addition, the Congress decided to organize on the basis of the Vilna Committee TNG "Liberation" Regional Committee of the TNG "liberation" of the Vilna and Novogrudok provinces [12]. Meetings with candidates were held throughout the region. Publication of election program block in the Belarusian language, as well as winning several court cases for local residents, Belarusians, with the help of the TNG "Liberation" and enhanced his popularity. This resulted in an increase in membership and contributions, respectively. During the reporting period, cash received about 1 million marks, which allowed regularly publish regional press and other campaign literature.

Electoral Bloc determined the candidates for all electoral districts and the eastern provinces, according to its leaders, expected to earn 5.6 seats, including two mandates in Sventyanskom, two - in Leeds, one or two - in Novogrudok paviet.

In the district number 63 (city of Vilna and county) motion for nominations for deputy Kostyalkovskogo M., J. Adamovich, A. Yurkoytya.


1. Rzeczypospolitej/Z.Tomczonek. – Bialystok, 1996. – S. 52

2. Архив новых актов (ААN). – TSK. – S. 372. Отчет отдела ОСК о деятельности за 1919 г. – k. 24 – 26.

3. Литовский центральный государственный архив (LCVA). – Ф. 63. – Оп. 1. – Д. 73. Материалы заседания Свентянского сеймика (1919 – 1923 гг.). – Л. 2 – 4

4. ААN. – TSK. – S. 372. Отчет отдела ОСК о деятельности за 1919 г. – K. 24 – 25.

5. Tomczonek, Z. Ruch ludowy na kresach pόłnocno – wschodnich II Rzeczypospolitej/Z.Tomczonek. – Bialystok, 1996. – S. 63

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