Реферат: Окружение и локализация корня нелинейной функции действительной переменной
dmax - maximal interval;
fun - pointer to the function.
1 - if a root is bracketed;
0 - on failure
int BracketRoot(double x0,double *a,double *b,double d0,
double di, double dmax,double (*fun)(double)) {
double fa,fb,f0;
/* get initial function guess, initial a,b,fa,fb */
f0=(*fun)(x0); *a=x0-d0; *b=x0+d0; fa=(*fun)(*a); fb=(*fun)(*b);
/* while the increased search interval is less than maximal,
process cycle */
while((d0*=di)<dmax) {
/* check up the bracketing success. Case f0>0. */
if(f0>=0.) {
if(fa<0.) {*b=x0;return(1);}
if(fb<0.) {*a=x0;return(1);}
/* else, compare fa and fb, choose the direction of search. The
right search case. */
if(fa>fb) {*a=x0; x0=(*b); *b+=d0; fa=f0; f0=fb; fb=(*fun)(*b);}
/* the left search case */
else if(fa<fb) {*b=x0; x0=(*a); *a-=d0; fb=f0; f0=fa; fa=(*fun)(*a);}
/* both sides search */
else {*a-=d0; *b+=d0; fa=(*fun(*a);fb=(*fun)(*b);}
/* Analogically, case when f0>0 */
else if(f0<0.) {
if(fa>=0.) {*b=x0;return(1);}