Реферат: Отчет по лабораторной работе Моделирование гидравлической системы в нестационарном режиме.
'.Cells(ipr, 10) = vm(4): .Cells(ipr, 11) = vm(5): ipr = ipr + 1
'.Cells(ipr, 2) = "x": .Cells(ipr, 4) = "y(1-2)": .Cells(ipr, 7) = "pr(1-2)"
'.Cells(ipr, 3) = x: .Cells(ipr, 5) = y(1): .Cells(ipr, 6) = y(2)
'.Cells(ipr, 8) = pr(1): .Cells(ipr, 9) = pr(2)
ipr = ipr + 1
If ipr = 180 Then ipr = 1
End With
End Sub
Sub step(x As Single, y() As Single, del As Single, x1 As Single, y1() As Single)
' шаг интегрирования по X и Y расчет X1 и Y1
Dim y12!(m), j%
Call dydx(x, y, pr)
For j = 1 To m: y12(j) = y(j) + del * pr(j) / 2: Next j
Call dydx(x + del / 2, y12, pr): x1 = x + del
For j = 1 To m: y1(j) = y(j) + del * pr(j): Next j
End Sub
Public Sub gidra()
Dim j%, contr As String
Dim ii%
Static x0s!, y0s!(2)
ipr = 1: ipr1 = 3
With Worksheets("TASK")
hg(1) = .Cells(4, 5): hg(2) = .Cells(5, 5): s(1) = 3.1415 * (.Cells(4, 9) ^ 2): s(2) = 3.1415 * (.Cells(5, 9) ^ 2)
ro = .Cells(6, 5): pn = .Cells(6, 9)
' Давление (1-6) МПа
For i = 1 To 6: p(i) = .Cells(8, i + 4): Next i
' Коэф. пpопускной способности (1-7)
For i = 1 To nk: ak(i) = .Cells(9, i + 4): Next i
' Начальные условия x0,y0(1),y0(2)