Реферат: Peculiarities of prose style

He asked himself, "How am I going to pay for all of this?" and looked hopefully at his father.

17. Exclamation Points

17.1 Use exclamation points sparingly; too many of them will dull your effect (compare 9.1).

18. Multiple Punctuation

18.1 In most cases, when two marks of punctuation are called for at the same location in a sentence, only the stronger mark is used (see, for example, 13.3). An abbreviating period, however, is never omitted unless the abbreviation is immediately followed by a terminating period. Other exceptions include 5.1c.


Brief outline of the most characteristic features of the five language styles and their variants will show that out of the member of features which are easily discernible in each of the styles, some should be considered primary and others secondary, some obligatory, others optional, some constant, others transitory. One of the five language styles is A PROSEstyle.

In this Course paper we have investigated:

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