Реферат: Petrified Man By Eudora Welty Essay Research

Petrified Man By Eudora Welty Essay, Research Paper

Petrified Man by Eudora Welty One of Eudora Welty?s criticisms is that she

occasionally possibly misrepresents the culture and influence of the south. Do

you think that is the case in The Petrified Man? When I think of the south, I

think of southern hospitality. I picture people always talking to each other,

whether it?s just small talk or gossip, which is the case in The Petrified

Man. The dialogue itself appears to be pretty accurate (from what I can imagine

anyway, since I?ve never been down south). The south definitely has a certain

way of talking and Eudora Welty does a great job showing us, not just telling

us, this dialect. From the very first sentence of the story, you know where you

are, and the type of people involved in the story. ?Reach in my purse and git

me a cigarette without no powder in it if you kin, Mrs. Fletcher, honey ? I

don?t like no perfumed cigarettes.? As for the events themselves, they

appear to be reasonably honest. If you allow yourself to just listen to the

story as it?s being told, instead of trying to analyze it?s validity (it is

fiction after all) you will believe you?re sitting in Leota?s beauty parlor

with Mrs. Fletcher and Leota talking about anything or anybody. It doesn?t

matter exactly what you?re talking about, as long as it takes the attention

away from your own lives, if just for an hour or two. Although some people might

be offended at the gesture that all the women in the south sit around and just

talk about everyone else, I think it?s accurate. Not just in the south, and

not just with women. For some reason, people find comfort in talking about other

people?s lives and forgetting about theirs for a little while. How do the

major characters react to the story that Leota is telling? Do they change or

learn anything? I know when I hear a story, I don?t look for a moral to

incorporate into my life. I just listen to the story and allow myself to be

entertained. I believe that?s the same with the characters in this story. I

don?t think they learned anything. Even at the very end of the story when Mrs.

Pike?s son, Billy Boy, runs out of the beauty parlor and yells ?If you?re


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