Реферат: Power Mac G4 Essay Research Paper Withits

area identical to that of a 24-inch flat CRT display. This is state-of-the-art

technology, and supplies will naturally be limited.It?s sold exclusively

through the Apple Store, bundled with a 450MHz or faster Power Mac G4. But if

you?re fortunate enough to use one, your office view will never be the same

again. Its viewing quality, is a world apart: twice as bright and twice as sharp

as a CRT, with triple the contrast ratio and absolutely zero flicker. And its

colors remain true from almost any viewing angle. Like a movie theatre, the

Apple Cinema Display has a letterbox format (1600×1024 pixels), with room enough

to display an entire 11×17 image. And unlike most other displays, it receives

its data digitally from the computer, preserving the highest quality image.

Operating System Mac OS 9 Mac OS 9 is the ultimate sytem for anyone on the

Internet or anyone who wants to be. It is also very good for businesses. With

more than 50 powerful new features, Mac OS 9 offers a full range of capabilities

for new and advanced users. At work, there?s no better way to get the most of

your Macintosh computer and the Internet. What is comes with: Sherlock 2. In

addition to its smart disk and file searching, Sherlock 2 is your Internet

search detective and personal shopper. Look the Web for people, references,

Apple info and current news in a flash. Sherlock 2 also lets you shop and

compare prices. ColorSync 3. Included in Mac OS 9, ColorSync 3 manages color

across input, display and output. It features improved AppleScript support,

saveable workflow settings, powerful Calibration Assistant and enhanced control

for profiles. At www.apple.com, there is also acompreensive manual and tutorial

to teach you and your colleagues about all the uses and features of Mac OS 9

Softwear QuickTime 4 With a customer base of more than fifteen million Mac and

Windows users who downloaded the preview release, and a growing list of online

publishers?including, most recently, Fox News Online, Fox Sports Online and

The Weather Channel?QuickTime 4 is the hottest streaming technology on the

Internet. Some examples of how QuickTime is used in live programming and

on-demand programming on the webare are the BBC, Bloomberg, HBO, NPR and WGBH

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