Реферат: PR and Journalism

5. Cameron, Glen; Sallot, Lynne & Curtin, Patricia (1997) 'Public Relations and the Production of News. A Critical Review and Theoretical Framework', in Burleson (ed.) Communication Yearbook 20. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

6. Washington DC: The Brooking Institute. Cottle, Simon (2003) Introduction, in Cottle (ed.) News, Public Relations and Power. London: Sage. Davis, Aeron (2002) Public Relations Democracy: Public Relations, Politics and the Mass Media in Britain.

7. Manchester University Press. Ericson, Richard et.al. (1989) Negotiating Control. A study of News Sources. Milton Keynes/ London: Open

University Press.

8. Franklin, Bob (1994). Packaging Politics. Political Communication in Britain's Media Democracy. London: Edward Arnold.

9. Gandy, Oscar (1992) Public Relations and Public Policy, in Toth & Heath (ed.) Rhetorical and Critical Approaches to Public Relations. Hillsdale, J.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum. Gans, Herbert (1979) Deciding What's News. New York: Pantheon.

10. Larsson, Larsake (2006) Public Relations and Democracy. A Swedish Perspective, in L'Etang & Pieczka (ed.)

Public Relations. Critical Debates and Contemporary Problems. Mahway, New Jersey: Lawrence Erl-baum.

11. Larsson, Larsake (2005) Opinionsmakarna. /The Opinion Makers. A Study of PR Actors,Journalists and Democracy/. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Larsson, Larsake (1998) Nyheter i samspel /News in co-operation/. Gothenburg: Goteborg University. Manning, Paul (2001) News and News Sources. A Critical Introduction. London: Sage.

12. McNair, Brian (2000) Journalism and Democracy. London: Routledge.

13. McQuail, Denis; Graber, Doris & Norris, Pippa (1998) Conclusions. Challenges for Public Policy, in Graber, McQuail & Norris (ed.) The Politics of News, The News of Politics. Washington: Congressional Quarterly.

14. Pfetsch, Barbara (1998) Government News Management, in Graber, McQuail & Norris (ed.) The Politics of News, The News of Politics. Washington: Congressional Quarterly. Street. John (2001) Mass media. Politics and Democracy. London: Palgrave.

15. Wien, Charlotte & Lund, Anker Brink (2001) Flid, fedt og snyd - Kildens leg med Journalisten, I Nielsen, Mie Fem0 (ed.) Profit og offentlighet—public relations for viderekomne. Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur.

16. LARSAKE LARSSON, Ph.d., Professor, School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences, Orebro University,

17. [email protected]

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