Реферат: Проблемы современной энергетики
1. Ronald L. Thomas,Power is the keystone, Aerospace
2. David J. Bents,Power transmission studies for thedered
SP-100,Lewis Research Center,Cleveland,Ohio 44135.
3. Irving G. Hansen, Gale R. Sandberg,Space station 20-kHz
power management and distribution system. Lewis Research
Center,Cleveland,Ohio 44135.
4. Louis F. Lollar, Roberts E. Kapustka, Minimizing the
total distortion for a 3 kW, 20 kHz AC to DC converter using
spice, NASA/Marshal Spase Flight Center,Huntaville,Alabama.
5. Irving G. Hansen, Frederick J. Wolff, 20kHz space station
power system,Lewis Research Center,Cleveland,Ohio 44135.