Реферат: "Silver age" in Russian art
Remarkable line of culture of the beginning of XX century of a steel of work of outstanding theatrical directors. K.S. Stanislavsky, the founder of psychological actor's school, considered, that the theatre future – in profound psychological realism, in the decision of most important tasks of actor's transformation. V.E. Mejerhold conducted searches in the field of theatrical convention, обобщенности, uses of elements of national buffoonery and theatre of masks. E.B. Vahtangov preferred expressive, entertainment, joyful performances.
In the beginning of XX century all the tendency to connection of various kinds of creative activity was more distinctly shown. At the head of this process there was «an art World», uniting in the numbers not only artists, but also poets, philosophers, musicians. In 1908–1913 With. P. Dyagilev has organized in Paris, London, Rome and other capitals of the Western Europe «Russian seasons», presented by ballet and opera performances, theatrical painting, music etc.
Art in the «Silver age» context is comprehended as result of creativity, and the artist – as by the God the selected conductor of the spiritual images expressed exclusively in the art form over which actions divine forces supervise. Art creativity was represented in the tideway of this aesthetics by an ideal basis on which the human life and culture of the future should not only be under construction, but also to come to the end process of creation of the world by efforts of artists-creators. On the being art here represented innovative development of traditional Christian aesthetic values in aspect of their approach to a modern life and with orientation to spiritual, scientific, art searches and aspirations of the person of XX century.
The big role in development of an aesthetics of the Silver age Russian symbolists have played. Symbolism has got strong national coloring at the Andrey Belogo, Vyacheslav Ivanov, Alexander Bloka, Эллиса, etc. Vyacheslav Ivanov has been convinced, that essentially new stage of art creativity when all arts will be united in a certain is art-religious mystery – original synthetic sacral action in which will accept active participation both the prepared actors, and all spectators comes nearer. The true artist-symbolist of the future, according to Ivanov, should realize creatively in itself communication «with divine всеединством», go through a myth as event of personal experience and then to express it in the мистериальном creativity. For Andrey Belogo the essence and sense of art had religious coloring, and in теургии as overall objective of symbolism he saw return of art to sphere of religious activity on life transformation.
Representatives of «the art World» were united by two main ideas, two aesthetic tendencies: 1) Aspiration to return to its Russian art main, but quality thoroughly forgotten in XIX century – artistry to release it from any tendentiousness (social, religious, political, etc.) And to direct it to purely aesthetic channel. From here the popular slogan in environment l'art pour l'art, beauty search in everything, aversion of ideology and art practice of academism and передвижничества, interest to romantic and symbolist tendencies in art. 2) Романтизация, поэтизация, Russian national heritage, interest to a folk art, for what the main participants of association have received in art circles a nickname «retrospective dreamers». Especially it differed K.A. Catfish and A.N. Benua, aspiring to revive and immortalize in art a life of last centuries in its essence – beauty and «wonderful mystery». And Roerich not without influence European, popular at that time and in Russia, has directed the spiritual look on the East and in its mysterious ancient wisdom has found what did not find on the European soil. In the texts Roerichs paid special attention to Beauty, Art, Culture as to the major and necessary phenomena on a way of spiritual development.
The literature
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2. M.N. Vechnye's thunders of value of Russian culture //Questions. – 2004. №1. 41–53.
3. Gurevich P.S. Cultural science. – М: Gardarika, 2000. – 280.
4. Emeljanov B.V. Russian Silver age philosophy: the Course of lectures. – Ekaterinburg, 2005. – 320.