Реферат: Ролевые игры на уроках английского языка на основной ступени обучения в средней школе
Policeman: What is your friend’s name?
Pupil: His name is Eugene.
Policeman: How old is he?
Pupil: He is 12 years old.
Policeman: Describe him, please.
Pupil: My friend is not tall. His hair is dark. His eyes are gray.
Policeman: What is he wearing?
Pupil: My friend is wearing a red sweater and blue jeans.He has gray sneakers and a cap on.
Policeman: Wait here, please. Відходить, “шукає” друга, знайшовши по описі, говорить: Is this your friend?
Pupil: Yes, thank you very much.
Policeman: You are welcome.
Наступна гра має назву “На вулиці ”. В ній беруть участь поліцейський і учень.
Policeman (свистить): Wait a little, young man!
Pupil: What is it,