Реферат: Роутинг OSPF
It is an area border and autonomous system boundary router
Summary Link update interval is 0:30:00 and the update due in 0:16:26
External Link update interval is 0:30:00 and the update due in 0:16:27
Redistributing External Routes from,
igrp 200 with metric mapped to 2, includes subnets in redistribution
rip with metric mapped to 2
igrp 2 with metric mapped to 100
igrp 32 with metric mapped to 1
Number of areas in this access server is 3
Number of interfaces in this area is 1
Area has simple password authentication
SPF algorithm executed 6 times
Area ranges are
Link State Update Interval is 0:30:00 and due in 0:16:55
Link State Age Interval is 0:20:00 and due in 0:06:55
"O" - OSPF derived router (Router LSA)
"IA" - Inter Area routes (Summary LSA)
"E1" - Type-1 External Routes
"E2" - Type-2 External Routes
Метрика типа E1 сумирует внутренние и внешние метрики
Метрика типа E2 сумирует только внешние метрики (т.е. не учитывает метрику при прохождении одной и той же area
Конфигурирование в nonbroadcast сетях
Если сеть не имеет broadcast'а (напр. frame-relay, X.25),
"соседей" по OSPF придется задавать в явном виде