Реферат: Scotland

Chapter I: Scotland as an original country

1.1. Some words about General information

1.2. Tragic history of Scotland

1.3. Symbol of Scotland

Chapter II: Scotland pride

2.1. The main Scotland cities

2.2. World history is full of Scottish names

Chapter III: The Scots

3.1. Peculiarities of Scottish character

3.2. Clans and tartans

3.3. Customs and traditions

Chapter IV: The Practical part

4.1. The research on Scottish and Russian traditions




You know that the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consist of four parts, of four countries. There are four different nations: the English, the Scots, the Welsh and the Irish. Every nation has its own unique culture, history, literature and even languages. These people have different customs and traditions and even food changes from region to region.

Having studied makes English-speaking countries rather deeply we became interested in culture of not so large country but also very rich of its traditions is Scotland. The knowledge about it is not full enough among Russian pupils. That’s why the theme of this research is the following: “Scotland. Its customs and traditions”

The object: The research of Scottish customs and traditions, their way of life.

The subject: The discovery of influence of knowledge about customs and traditions of one of the countries on the formation of respect to other nations.

The aim: To search and to systematize the material about Scottish character and traditions of this country.

Coming from the aim, object and subject we put forward the hypothesis:

If the knowledge about culture, history, customs and traditions of the country are systematized we can achieve:

· The formation of deep understanding of the nation’s character

· The improvement of mutual understanding between different nations

· The increasing of the cultural level

Our aim can be achieved and the hypothesis can be checked up by using the following methods of research:

· Analysis of information from different sources

· Abstraction


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