Реферат: Sexism In Sports Essay Research Paper SEXISM

women?s professional baseball league. He required that

be under 21 years of age, good-looking, and have a great

figure. A step forward but still not enough for the


1900 Olympic fieldin Paris was composed of 1308 men

and 11 women. Another step up from ancient Greeks but

still not enough.

Before 1916 women were not allowed to attend boxing

matches because they were to violent for the ladies.

In the 1920 Olympics, American figure skater, Theresa

Weld was cautioned by the judges for making jumps that

were not lady-like. Even before that it was unlady-like to

even jump.

In early bobsled races, two of the riders must be women

but they could not drive nor work the bakes.

In the 1928 Olympic 800-yard run, several women

collapsed, inciting IOC president Compete de

Baillet-Latour to try and rid the games of all women?s

track competition.

In 1936, Avery Brundige, while president of the US

Olympic Committee, said, I am fed up to the ears with

women as track and field competitors…her charms sink

to something less than zero. As swimmers and divers

girls are [as] beautiful and adroit as they are ineffective

and unpleasing on the track.? In 1952 he became the

president of the international Olympic committee.

Women?s events of no longer than 200 meters were

eliminated until 1960 when the 800-meter was

reinstated. Women were not allowed at center court for

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