Реферат: Should We Legalize Essay Research Paper Should

Our history demonstrates the evils of prohibition. One should wonder why people would be willing to fight the righteous fight again when it is neither righteous nor possible. Also, public opinion is peculiar given some facts. First, Alcohol Prohibition was dissolved by popular opinion because of crime, yet people continue to support Drug Prohibition although it creates similar crime. Secondly, the continued support of politicians who support Prohibition even though not one has given a creative solution, or at least, one that has not been tried before. Finally, it is strange that people cannot see through the problems associated with drugs and not see they are due to Prohibition and not use itself. If the drugs were sold at what would be the market price, the people who steal and rob would not have any reason to steal, or at least would have to steal less often to support their now cheaper habit. The people who have become the “evil welfare mothers” who waste all their government money on drugs instead of caring for their children could not squander all their precious money on drugs because they would be so cheap their would be no reason to. All of these terrible problems if not created by Prohibition, were greatly intensified by Prohibition. The end of drug laws would mark a never before seen improvement in the lives of every citizen. It is unfortunat thatour politicians, and even ourselves are too stubborn to even consider it.

“CIA, Contras, and Crack.” The Christian Science Monitor. 1 Oct.


“Crime, Violence, and Drug Use Go Hand-in-Hand.” On-line. World Wide Web.

http://www.usdoj.gov/dea/pubs/legaliz/claim1.html. 27 Aug. 1996.

Duke, Steven B. “How Legalizat

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