Реферат: Social and labor relations

Territorial (regional):

a) Public utility regulation - through the decisions of executive bodies and local authorities;

b) contractual regulation - through regional agreements and decisions of the regional bodies of social partnership.

Manufacturing (microeconomic):

a) administrative regulation - through the decisions of owners and their authorized bodies;

b) contractual regulation - through collective bargaining, consultation, negotiation, individual employment contract.

This distribution is somewhat conditional, because at the regional level, for example, possible differences as the subjects of relationships and problems that are solved. Now partners solve many problems, the scale of which extends beyond the region or district as an administrative and territorial unit.

Since the regional distribution in Ukraine is not legislatively defined, such problems will be solved by combining the efforts of associations of trade unions, employers and governments of several areas or regions.

2. Objects and types of social and labor relations

Objects of social and labor relations defined objectives, which seek to reach people at different stages of activity. For each level and type of social-labor relations have specific objects and relations among them.

Terms of social and labor relations at the individual level is the labor side of life: labor self-determination, professional orientation, training, hiring and firing, socio-professional development, professional training and retraining, training, quality of work, evaluation of work, remuneration for work; labor activities. A social-labor relations in manufacturing (micro) level, for example, between employees and employers may be personnel policy, which includes the full range of HR organizations and (or) its individual elements: certification of personnel, economic growth enterprise (company) , control and analysis of employment, labor organization, evaluation of work efficiency, rate setting, labor disputes and their development, labor motivation.

A social-labor relations at the territorial level is common to the economically active population of the administrative unit of labor problems, such as creating new jobs, support local producers, the level of training of workers, the state of social infrastructure in the region, improving the environmental situation and others.

A social-labor relations at the sectoral level are specific issues in these sectors. This may be the normalization of labor firms to establish branch minimum guarantees salary according to qualification and minimum payments and allowances to the specific production, ensuring proper working conditions, minimum of social guarantees and privileges, and others.

Terms of social and labor relations at the national (macro) level is the basic principles and norms of social and economic policy and labor relations, including the warranty work and productive employment, state protectionism in the labor market, creating favorable conditions for entrepreneurship, support for domestic producers ensuring the minimum guarantees in pay and other minimum social guarantees of social insurance, protecting the natural environment and so on.

A social-labor relations is based on the basic blocks problem: employment, work organization and efficiency, the need for economic growth, remuneration, social protection of employees of institutional analysis.

Institutional analysis covering economic, legal, social and psychological aspects of functioning of various types. Theoretical and practice proved that this method may be used in research of various aspects of social and labor relations.

A key feature of relationships at work is their subject. It is commendable multifaceted socio-economic phenomena and processes that are the subject of social and labor relations.

As the subject of individual relationships in the workplace are the specific side of working life of employees. Subject (group) socio-labor relations at the enterprise level in general act as part of personnel policy - salaries, personnel evaluation, certification training, career planning, staff rotation, staff development, etc. - as well as other issues of social and economic direction the solution of which directly or indirectly affects the quality of working life - the development of social sphere, environment protection etc.. In summary components of the object relations that are analyzed are:

Ø Labor Relations Employment;

Ø Labor Relations related to the internal regulations;

Ø Labor Relations related to the protection and working conditions;

Ø Labor Relations arising in connection with the development of staff (refresher courses, retraining, etc.);

Ø Labor Relations related to the organization of individual and collective work;

Ø Labor Relations in relation to evaluating individual qualities and results;

Ø Labor Relations arising in connection with the evaluation of individual qualities and results;

Ø Labor Relations arising in connection with compensation for labor services;

Ø Labor relations related to compliance with labor laws and treaties and agreements;

Ø Labor Relations with other work life issues.

Thus, virtually all parties working life is rightly regarded as a social and labor relations. Without prejudice of the specific socio-economic phenomena that are part of a social and labor relations, vyokremymo those that account for the largest "load" to regulate relations between employers and employees and their representative bodies: Labor Relations Employment Labor relations arising in connection with compensation for labor services (service work), Labor Relations, related to the organization and effectiveness.

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