Реферат: Современные представления о патогенезе аутоиммунных увеитов

18. Magone M.T., Whitcup S.M. «Mechanisms of intraocular inflammation.» Chem. Immunol. Vol. 73: 90–119, 1999.

19. Munthe LA, Kyte JA, Bogen B. «Resting small B cells present endogenous immunoglobulin variable–region determinants to idiotope–specific CD4(+) T cells in vivo.» Eur. J. Immunol. Vol. 29 (No. 12): 4043–4052, 1999.

20. Ragazzo J.L., Ozaki M.E., Karlsson L., Peterson P.A., Webb S.R. «Costimulation via lymphocyte function–associated antigen 1 in the absence of CD28 ligation promotes anergy of naive CD4+ T cells.» Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 98 (No. 1): 241–246, 2001.

21. Sherer Y., Shoenfeld Y. «Idiotypic network dysregulation: a common etiopathogenesis of diverse autoimmune diseases.» Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol. Vol. 83 (No. 1–3): 155–162, 2000.

22. Streilein J.W. «Ocular immune privilege – protection that preserves sight!» Karger Gazette «The Eye in Focus» No 64: 5–8, 2001.

23. Sun J., Van Houten N. «CD40 stimulation in vivo does not inhibit CD4+ T cell tolerance to soluble antigens.» Immunol. Lett. Vol. 84 (No. 2): 125, 2002.

24. Tennakoon D.K., Smith R., Stewart M.D., Spencer T.E., Nayak M., Welsh C.J. «Ovine IFN–tau modulates the expression of MHC antigens on murine cerebrovascular endothelial cells and inhibits replication of Theiler’s virus.» J. Interferon Cytokine Res. Vol. 21 (No. 10): 785–792, 2001.

25. Trinchieri G. «Regulatory role of T cells producing both interferon gamma and interleukin 10 in persistent infection.» J. Exp. Med. Vol. 194 (No. 10): 53–57, 2001.

26. Yin Z., Craft J. «Gamma delta T cells in autoimmunity.» Springer Semin. Immunopathol. Vol. 22 (No. 3): 311–320, 2000.

27. Zagorski Z., Biziorek B., Rakowska E., Jedrzejewski D. «Zinsser–Engman–Cole syndrome (dyskeratosis congenita) with severe sicca syndrome, panuveitis and corneal perforation – a case report.» Klin. Monatsbl. Augenheilkd. Vol. 218 (No. 6): 455–458, 2001.

28. Zhang X., Jiang S., Manczak M., Sugden B., Adamus G. «Phenotypes of T cells infiltrating the eyes in autoimmune anterior uveitis associated with EAE.» Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. Vol. 43 (No. 5): 1499–1508, 2002.

29. Zierhut M., Schlote T., Tomida J., Stiemer R. «Immunology of uveitis and ocular allergy.» Acta Ophthalmol. Scand. Vol. 78: 22–25, 2000.

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