Реферат: Switzerland tourism


The tourism in Switzerland


The best places for the first visiting




Switzerland is one of Europe's most visited countries, but one of its least understood. Pass through for a day or two, as most people do, and you'll get the quaint stereotype of Switzerland that the locals deem suitable for public consumption - the Alpine idyll of cheese and chocolate, Heidi and the Matterhorn.

Stay longer though and another Switzerland will emerge, the one which the Swiss inhabit, and one which can be an infinitely more rewarding place to explore. Sights are breathtaking, transport links are excellent, costs are no higher than in Britain or Germany, and the locals are unfailingly courteous.

Almost everyone speaks some English along with at least one of the official Swiss languages (German, French, Italian, and, in the southeast, Romansh).

Prestigious southern slopes of the Alpes near to Italy are considered. The capital of winter Olympiads Saint-Moritz and Davos here is located - the favourite place of rest of Russian nobility is no time. Many prefer the most southern resort of the country – Cematte, where it is possible to ski even in summer. Arriving to the country in summer months prefer numerous lakes, and those who visits Switzerland an autumn were enjoyed vineyards the Shaft or In.

The tourism in Switzerland


Caring for guests is a serious business in this nation of innkeepers. Where almost anything will be done to make you feel welcome and at home. With a reputation like this it is no surprise that many people come back time and time again. From historic palaces to the tiniest pension, there is definitely a place for every taste.

Of course, there is one thing we can't do for you - pick exactly where you will stay. But we present so many choices you will surely find the perfect spot. Whether you are touring a specific region or staying in one place for a week or so, there is an impressive range of accommodation available.


When it comes to Swiss hotels the choice is immense. Throughout the country, you will find historic hotels, traditional hotels, country inns, designer hotels, female only hotels right up to the most modern business hotel as well as luxurious and theme hotels.

Apartments and Chalet Rentals

Accomodation is expensive, but nearly always excellent. Tourist offices can generally book rooms for free in their area, and they normally have a display-board on the street with details of the region’s hotels, often with a courtesy phone. In many cases you’ll find these boards at train stations. When you check in, you should always ask for a guest card: these can give substantial discounts on local attractions and transport.

Switzerland is a country of chalets and apartments. A wide selection is available in all tourist regions. In this menu you will find detailed advice on how to locate and book your apartment or chalet.

Bed & Breakfast

Bed and Breakfast is a fairly new term in Switzerland, this type of accommodation has always been on offer but was better known as 1* and 2* hotels. This is a growing market in Switzerland and a specific web-site has been set up for further information on Bed & Breakfast accommodation in Switzerland.


Although it is only possible to camp on authorised camping sites in Switzerland, you will always find a site in the area that you want to stay in.

Group Accommodation

Group accommodation is widely catered for in Switzerland. Whether a large family, a group of friends a school/club holiday or that all-important corporate conference.


Just about every Swiss settlement offers a choice of hotels, where accomodation is of a uniformly high standard, and not excessively expensive.

The Swiss Hotel Association (® www.swisshotels.ch) has a list of approved establishments, and occa­sional offers. Double rooms with a shared shower and toilet can cost as little as Sfr85, though a more usual average is Sfr110. Ensuite hotel rooms cost from around Sfr135.

Hostels and campsites

If you're travelling on a budget, a hostel I (Jugend-herberge; Auberge de Jeunesse; Albergo/Ostello per la Giovent') is likely to be your accommodation of choice; Switzerland has an extensive network, with most places offering very good value. You should definite­ly book ahead between June and September. HI hostels (® www.youthhostel.ch) are of a universally high standard and feature a good proportion of double rooms as well as small dorms. Prices range from Sfr19 to Sfr40; the average is Sfr25 for a dorm bed including breakfast and bedding. Non-HI members pay Sfr5 extra. Note that under-25s are given priority and that there's usually a three-night maximum stay during summer in the towns. Meals, where avail­able, are around Sfr10. A rival group known as Swiss Backpackers (® www.backpack-er.ch) has lively hostels that are less Institu­tional, often in prime locations in the town and city centres, and are priced to compete; they're specified in the text as "SB". Outside the towns and cities, Naturfreunde hostels are a good budget option, located in wilder areas well off any beaten tracks (® www.naturfreunde.ch)

The typical Swiss campsite is clean and well equipped, although the higher the alti­tude the more limited the opening times many close altogether outside the summer season (June-Sept) Prices tend to be around Sfr8 per person plus Sfr8-12 per pitch and per vehicle Many sites require an international camping carnet Camping out­side official sites is against the law For those hiking in the mountains there's a network of Swiss Alpine Club huts, where dorm beds cost around Sfr30 per night (®www.saccas.ch).

The budget accommodation market is very widely used in Switzerland. Information for students is available on 'Student Travel' in this section or to make an online reservation.

Switzerland Tourism is adopting the ranking, which appeared in the SonntagsZeitung, allocated by the journalist Karl Wild and his team, taking the following crtiteria into account:

Criteria for the hotel classifications:

Evaluation of the leading hotel and restaurant guides

Quality checks of the leading hotel organizations

Investment activity

The hotelier's charisma and receptiveness to innovation


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