Реферат: System of education of Great Britain

In Scotland the majority of high schools all of them are not specialized - basically comprehensive, and in them there is also sixth class. The teenagers who have finished school, not having of the sixth class, can proceed (pass) in another to this last year, not testing thus of difficulties connected to search of school. 96% of children - schoolboys of state high schools, others 4% study in private schools. More than in half of private schools the teaching is conducted separately. In Scotland there is no system of a general base rate of subjects, as in England and Wales. The educational diagram, even after realization of reform, has remained much more intense, than at schools of England and Wales, and includes a lot of subjects. All subjects are distributed (allocated) on 8 groups: philology and communications; mathematical sciences; natural-scientific subjects; humanitarian and ecological sciences; technological disciplines; subjects of aesthetic development; physical education; religion and spiritual education. The schoolboys should choose a minimum in one obligatory subject from each group. On employment (occupations) on the chosen disciplines there leaves 70% of educational time of each schoolboy.

Private schools

In private schools 7% of all children of Great Britain studies only.

In Great Britain today works about 550 private schools. In Northern Ireland is open 21 private schools.

The reforms of system of education of Great Britain have touched the contents of educational process. Both the parents, and experts did not accept that children too early began "to sort" by propensity to those or other sciences. In a result some subjects, necessary for the formed (educated) man, dropped out of a school rate absolutely.

As a result of reform the national school rate, obligatory for all types of schools was accepted: each schoolboy should pass four basic, key stages of training and 10 basic subjects.

1 stage - till 7 years, children;

2 stages - 7-11 years, teenagers;

3 stages - 11-14 years (precede preparation for delivery GCSE);

4 stages - 14-16 years (preparation for delivery GCSE and appropriate professional examinations).

The basic subjects are only three: English language, mathematics, science. Obligatory are 7: technology, history, geography, music, art, physical education, modern foreign language. Depending on a stage of training the greater attention to this or that subject is given. Some subjects are absent at the first stages, and occur only on last (for example, modern foreign language). Depending on what part of Great Britain the school is located in there can be subjects, specific to the given territory. For example at schools of Wales the schoolboys should study as the second obligatory language Welsh (requirement, which will work till 1999). On each of subjects the instructions work about what skills and skills should be developed in children. For example, as a result of study of a rate of English language children should find five basic skills: To be able to speak, to perceive speech from hearing, to read, to write, to know spelling and (is more tremendous!) to be able to write by hand.

The religion as a subject officially is not present at the list of school disciplines, nevertheless religious (and sexual, we shall add) education is obligatory. At lessons the basic attention give to a Christianity, but tell as well about others religious trends, which representatives live in Great Britain. Daily at schools there passes a collective church service. The parents have the right to release (exempt) the child from study of religion and visiting of services irrespective of, at school with what the child studies in a part of Britain.

As the circle of subjects investigated at schools of Scotland was already marked, it is much wider: besides subjects accepted in England and Wales, the obligatory study of modern European language, sociology, technological practice, music or drama is included still. The new requirements on testing in such subjects, as Latin language, mathematics, modern languages, fine arts, ecology are published. The religious and spiritual education also is switched on in school process. In Northern Ireland basic are religion and six disciplines: English language, mathematics, science and technology, environment and society (community), various kinds of art. The rate of each consists of disciplines from several subjects, some subjects are obligatory.

3. Sixth class and colleges of the further training

The colleges of the further training can be both state, and private (individual). The majority of them are specialized (professional) in others the students study general educational disciplines with a sight on academic education. The contents of vocational training is developed in close cooperation with the representatives of local business concerns, that the graduates were in demand and easily could find to itself job. It is possible to study both on day time branches, and on evening. Some programs named "sandwich" include theoretical disciplines and practical job in the elected area at the enterprises. About receipt in these educational institutions it is necessary to begin to think one year prior to leaving school. The majority have the strictly certain terms of reception of the documents.

4. Higher education

In Great Britain 89 universities (including institute of remote education and 70 high schools. From them 39 are considered new. They were created after the Certificate (act) of 1992.

Oldest universities - Oxford (is open in 12 century) and Cambridge (13 centuries). The Scottish universities St. Andrews, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Edinburgh were open at 15-16 centuries. The Oxford and Cambridge universities are known everything, even by (with) the people which are not going to study abroad. Will say by exaggeration nevertheless, that they - "best". Certainly, any high school in the world can not be compared to these by two universities on prestige. For eight centuries of existence history them has appeared filled various events. The famous people here studied. For example, Margaret Tetchier has ended faculty of chemistry in Oxford. These universities have turned to national legends. But also other "ancient" universities, as for example St. Andrews, have also very high reputation. After 1980 many young high schools, basically polytechnic have appeared, the level of teaching at those universities has changed which before did not compete to Oxford and Cambridge. In result some diplomas of these high schools are appreciated even above, than Oxford and Cambridge. Especially it concerns some modern specialties. Maximum education - First Degree Study (degree of the bachelor)

The government of Great Britain is regular spends an independent estimation of a level and quality of teaching in high schools. The estimation is spent on four-mark system, it are taken into account a saturation of the educational schedule, level of teaching, security by technical resources. To receive an estimation the high school "is approved" should on all parameters to receive an estimation not below 2.

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