Реферат: The Efffects Of Louis 16Th On France

she was a foreigner made her unpopular with the public. She also influenced Louis to

spend incredible amounts of money on her. Secondly, due to the financial problems and

the conflict between classes, the year 1788 proved to be difficult for all. All classes were

discontent with the Ancien Regime and wanted a change. Louis XVI never took

advantage of this situation to introduce new reforms and gain the support of the people.

Thirdly, under pressure from nobility and other influential powers, Louis agreed to meet

with the Estates-General. Instead this encouraged further criticism of the Ancien Regime

and provided a stronger force against the monarchy in France. All in all, Louis was

incapable of a strong decision. He should have been capable of overcoming his

problems. Louis?s powerful position should have allowed him to force taxes on the

nobility. He should have never met with the Estates-General. Instead he should have

introduced mild reforms to gain the support of the public. Perhaps if Louis XVI had been

a stronger person the nobility, the clergy and his wife wouldn?t have influenced him to

the same degree.

As we have noticed, there were many factors/causes that lead to the revolution.

Many aspects were piled up and the only was down was the revolution. Many of the

answers to our questions are left unknown. If Louis XVI had not been King, would there

have been a revolution, or was it inevitable?


internet documents, libreary books, source documents etc

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