Реферат: The Great Gatsby Essay Research Paper The 2
from a pair of enormous yellow spectacles which pass over a non-
existent nose.” (23) The eyes of T. J. Eckleburg are said to represent
the eyes of God at one point. His eyes make Wilson, the husband
ofTom’s mistress, kill himself because he thinks that God is actually
looking at him in shame for murdering Gatsby. When in the valley of
ashes, the eyes of the doctor are also like the eyes of God, though it
is not stated. T. J. stands on a hill looking over the occurrences in
the valley. Like God, he is watching over the waste created by the
spiritless society, and then later on his eyes represent God to a man
who was wasted by society; a resident of the spiritless wasteland of
Yet another symbol in The Great Gatsby is the green light on
the end of the Buchanan dock. This light represents hope and dreams to
Gatsby. It represents his love for Daisy and his need for a companion,
or in Nick’s words, “He stretched out his arms toward the dark water
in a curious way….Involuntarily, I glanced seaward- and
distinguished nothing except a single green light…that might have
been the end of a dock.” If Gatsby had lived in the nineties, he
would have a telescope looking directly into Daisy’s bedroom, he would
be considered a stalker, and Daisy would bring up sexual harrassment
suits on him. But, in this time, Daisy did not know, and what Daisy
did not know could not hurt her. “Compared to the great distance that
had separated him from Daisy [the green light] had seemed very near to
her, almost touching her. It had seemed as close as a star to the
moon. Now it was again a green light on a dock. His count of enchanted
objects had diminished by one.” When, at last, Gatsby believes that
Daisy is his, he no longer idolizes her, and the green light has no
more symbolic meaning to him. Is like the saying, “You always want
what you can’t have.”