Реферат: The Young Persons Guide To Being A

You might be feeling lost or not know who your real friends are or who to turn to…Well, by reading this you will find out the truth of some misinterpreted groups.

First of all, I would like to point out that this is a personal opinion and therefore gives you the view of only one person. I do understand that some people will not fit into any categories and do not wish to. But, deeper down, do they want to be part of any of the groups in this booklet?


By reading this booklet you will learn some truths that have not be told before and therefore could shock you.

The Nerds / Trekies

Brainy, School devoted, Home lovers. Aged 8 to 18.

Once school is over, they go home, do homework then eat, then a bit more work and get to bed at 8:30. Twice a week they meet at lunch over a table in the dinning hall to talk and once a week they solve maths puzzles. There is no mixing with the opposite sex and at the weekend they go into Norwich before most people are up.

To become a nerd is very easy as they have so few people they welcome new people with great rejoicing. Wannabe’s

Very trying; All the gear, no idea. Any age.

This group applies to all the other groups mentioned in this booklet. Some people do try and join these groups but all they do is just buy the gear when in fact it is their own attitude that is stopping them from joining the group. With the right attitude anybody can join any group they want… Conclusion

If you want to join any group before buying all the gear, make sure it suits you and you want to mix with those sort of people otherwise why bother?

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