Реферат: Turbo Basic прикладной
200 print #2,"+ ";d$;" +";n$;"+ ";j$;" +"
201 print #2,"+ ";c$;" +";g$;" + ";h$;" + ";f$;" + +"
202 print #2,m$;"+++++++++++++"
204 p=0:dim q(50):dim pol(50)
205 for i=1 to 50
210 k=b(1,i):f=b(2,i):c=b(3,i)
215 p=(k+f+c)/3:q(i)=p:pol(i)=i
216 p=0
227 next i
230 p=0:k=1:j=1
235 for n=1 to 50
237 for i=1 to 49
240 if q(i)<q(i+1) then c=q(i+1):q(i+1)=q(I):q(I)=c:c=pol(i+1):pol(i+1)=pol(i):pol(I)=c
245 next i
246 next n
247 for i=1 to 50
248 p=q(I):g=pol(i)
250 if k=16 then goto 260
251 if k=31 then goto 260
252 if k=46 then goto 260
255 goto 300
260 if inkey$=" " then k=1:goto 300
270 goto 260
300 locate k+6,2:print a$(g)
310 locate k+6,31:print b(1,g)
315 locate k+6,39:print b(2,g)
320 locate k+6,49:print b(3,g)
330 locate k+6,59:print using "#.##";p
335 print #2,"+";a$(g);" + ";b(1,g);" + ";b(2,g);" + ";b(3,g);" + "