Реферат: Відновлення товстої кишки у колостомованих хворих при пухлинах прямої кишки

20. Colorectoplastic in regenerative surgery of the colon after Hartmann operation / Bondar G.V., El-Dhaiby M. K., Efimochkin O.E., Buhteev S.V., Zolotukhin S.E. // 4-th International Conference on Biology, Prevention and Treatment of Gastrointestinal Malignancies. - 6-8 September 2001. - Koln. - P.101.

21. Bondar G., Dumansky Y., Borota A., Yakovets Y., Zolotukhin S., Psaras G., Efimochkin O. The prevent methods and treatment complications at the rectal cancer patients // 7-th Central Congress of coloproctology and viscerosynthesis Іtalian-Baltic week. - 2-4 June 2002. - Kaunas. - P.205.

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