Реферат: Вычисление площади сложной фигуры методом имитационного моделирования
B0: gotoxy(k1,k+3); puts("b0= ");
gotoxy(k1+4,k+3); gets(bc0); sscanf(bc0,"%f",&b0);
if (fabs(b0)>100) { talkerror(); goto B0; }
C3: gotoxy(k2,k); puts("c3= ");
gotoxy(k2+4,k); gets(cc3); sscanf(cc3,"%f",&c3);
if (fabs(c3)>100) { talkerror(); goto C3; }
C2: gotoxy(k2,k+1); puts("c2= ");
gotoxy(k2+4,k+1); gets(cc2); sscanf(cc2,"%f",&c2);
if (fabs(c2)>100) { talkerror(); goto C2; }
C1: gotoxy(k2,k+2); puts("c1= ");
gotoxy(k2+4,k+2); gets(cc1); sscanf(cc1,"%f",&c1);
if (fabs(c1)>100) { talkerror(); goto C1; }
C0: gotoxy(k2,k+3); puts("c0= ");
gotoxy(k2+4,k+3); gets(cc0); sscanf(cc0,"%f",&c0);
if (fabs(c0)>100) { talkerror(); goto C0; }
X1: gotoxy(k1,k+6); puts("x1= ");
gotoxy(k2,k+6); puts("x2= ");
gotoxy(k1+4,k+6); gets(x1c); sscanf(x1c,"%f",&x1);
if (fabs(x1)>100) { talkerror(); goto X1; }
X2: gotoxy(k2,k+6); puts("x2= ");
gotoxy(k2+4,k+6); gets(x2c); sscanf(x2c,"%f",&x2);
if (fabs(x2)>100) { talkerror(); goto X2; }
if (x1>=x2) { talkerror(); goto X1; }
V: R: gotoxy(k1,k+10); puts("QUANTITY OF ADRESSES TO RNG ");
gotoxy(k1+30,k+10); gets(nc); sscanf(nc,"%d",&N);
if (N>32000) { talkerror(); goto R; }
if (N<1) { talkerror(); goto V; }