Реферат: Was The Grand Prix Benificial For Melbourne

approximately an attendance of 400,000 over the four days.

9,000 part-time jobs and 1,000 full-time jobs were created

over the weekend.

The “greenies” are still trying to stop the race at Albert

Park. First it was “Save The Park” and now it s “Stop The

Grand Prix.” At first they protested about the cutting down

of hundreds of trees to make way for the track. But this has

been overcome by the replanting of 5000 new trees which would

cover 16 football ovals. This is almost double the amount of

trees that were there previously. They don t care about the

huge impact that the race had on Melbourne, instead they

unsuccessfully protest against it and by doing so it has cost

the Victorian taxpayers $1.3 million. But the track has

already been built and the first race held, so there is no

chance of it being removed and the park could never be

transformed back to its original state. Although there was

approximately 5,000 tons of rubbish, it has all been cleaned

up and in the process, a number of people have gained

temporary employment.

The residents of Albert Park that disagree with the idea for

the Grand Prix. They say it would spoil the “Parks Effect”

and the fumes will kill all plant and animal life there

previously. They say their houses will be engulfed with fumes

and that it would not be very safe for their young children.

They do not feel safe with their houses so close to the

track. But on the other hand because their houses are so

close to the track the value of their homes will rise.

Because the race was held so recently it is hard to judge how

big an impact it had on the economy. Probably at the same

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