Реферат: Was The Grand Prix Benificial For Melbourne

Essay, Research Paper

Issues Part -B-

Was the Grand Prix, promoted as “The Great Race” which was

held at Albert Park beneficial for Melbourne, or was it just

a huge waste of taxpayers money? The race was televised to

650 million people in 130 different countries is expected to

pump $50 million into the Victorian economy every year and

boost tourism enormously.

I along with the owners of seventy-two percent of hotels, motels,

restaurants and other entertainment complexes agree that

Albert Park having the Grand Prix will have a positive impact

on business. Infact it pumped $10 – $15 million into local

business. This will mean these businesses did put on more

part time staff who will be gaining valuable work experience

and there will also be a flow on effect to suppliers of these

industries. Fifty-nine percent of interstate visitors and

forty five percent of overseas visitors would not have come

to Adelaide in a two year period because of the Grand Prix if

not for the race. By Albert Park getting the Grand Prix

created between 1000-1500 new jobs. The Grand Prix will

promote Victoria on an international scale with international

press, television and media caring out a world wide coverage

of this event. This could convince people to come and visit

Melbourne and would also be a major tourism boost.

Approximately $23.8 million has been spent overhauling the

park and upgrading the Lake side track. They built better

fences and barricades to help protect spectators in case of a

crash, and the track is said to be the safest and finest in

the world, creating a benchmark for Albert Park. Temporary


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