Реферат: What strategy are most effective in the conditions of globalization
Establishment of partner relations with clients. Activity of the contractor will be much more profitable, if it adjusts long-term relations with clients as it will help to reduce goods selling costs. The close cooperation with clients allows to optimize, for example, expenses, it is better to supervise quality, to accelerate product development process, to win round those who hasn't found a corresponding service level in other place. Contractor ABB well understood it when suggested Ford companies to start by common efforts factory on painting: the close cooperation has allowed not only to cut down expenses on 25 %, but also to improve quality of painting of cars.
5. Heroes of local scale
In the conditions of globalization in many industries there is a gap at level of the local markets. The reason that standardization of offers because of which they don't correspond to specificity of local demand is peculiar to globalization. It is no wonder that some companies spend considerable efforts to creation of the products satisfying specific requirements of local consumers. Here some levers which can appear effective at a choice of the given strategy:
Extraction of advantage from capability quickly to react. Production for a domestic market assumes fast reaction to arising demand which can provide competitive advantage. Having adjusted in Malaysia release of reading devices for disks, company Kenwood has transferred the production to Japan. The decision spoke simply: on goods delivery in Japanese shops from factories in Malaysia 32 days left, and carrying over of production to Japan has allowed to deliver the goods within the country in the shortest terms. Thus, the company has had an opportunity quickly to react to shifts in demand. This choice has allowed it to increase sales volume by 25 % a year, cutting down expenses on 10 %. The American company Liz Claiborne which, having translated on foreign markets the most part of production of ready-to-wear clothes has in a similar way arrived also, has left branch on tailoring of jeans Lucky in the USA. After all, positioning the jeans in a premium-segment, it should react to the specific inquiries of the American clients connected with painting solution, depreciation degree, features of tailoring, seams, an ornament and etc.;
The rate on acquaintance to clients. Focusing in the local market allows to benefit by acquaintance to the clients. This strategy is used by many regional banks, wishing to strenghten the position. While the large companies of the given sector go by the way of internationalization and leave on global level, regional banks, on the contrary, invest the capital in studying of a local network of clients and acquaintance to them. Placing emphasis on personal relations and good knowledge of local industrial organizations, monetary institutions assign to themselves the status of the main bank as for the physical persons preferring such kind of relations, and for the enterprises of small and average business.
The universal model of achievement of success in the conditions of globalization doesn't exist. The global company is the unessentially integrated enterprise which activity is characterized by a considerable territorial scope. And the choice of the most suitable strategy depends not only on the market, but also from features of the company: its positioning, traditions and competitive advantages.
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