Реферат: Who became kamikazee
he mentions that he has no nostalgic sentiments. In his will addressed to his brother, he
mentions that he would like him to consider the mission as piety. In a postcard sent on
the day of his mission, he calls the mission, "an honorable mission," and that he is
looking forward to see them again at Yasukuni Shrine.[45] It was in the end of March
1945, that Corporal Araki's unit's mission was ordered to take place.[46] From just
before then, Corporal Araki had not written in his diary. After an entry on March 16,
there were no entries for two months. He wrote, because he was busy, there was no
time to write.[47] Could that be true? Indeed, his squadron was on a tight schedule for
March. From the 25th, they returned from P'yongyang to Gifu prefecture.[48]
However, Sergeant Kazuo Arai had been able to keep a diary at the time.[49] It may
be because of strong personal emotions he just could not keep the diary. Or, it may be
that he could care no longer about keeping a diary. In either case the fact that he had
not written an entry on the day that the mission was officially ordered, when he had
written every other special event down, reveals that he was no longer in the state of
mind that he had been.
The planned date of the mission of the 72nd Shinbu squadron (which was the squadron
to which Corporal Araki belonged) was initially, May 21, 1945. However, because of
rainy weather, it was postponed to May 27, 1945. In his last diary entry on May 20,
1945, he wrote:[50]
...at ** o'clock I received the thankful command to depart tomorrow. I
am deeply emotional, and just hope to sink one (American battleship).
Already, hundreds of visitors had visited us. Cheerfully singing the last
season of farewell.[51]
and is cut off there. His handwriting however was very stable, and was not as if he was
losing control. If for some reason he had to leave the diary for a while, why did he not
go back to it? Was it that he had become extremely emotional that he could no longer
write? In any case, he never returned to his diary.
Part Five
In reading the last letters of the Kamikaze pilots, there are generally two types. One,