Реферат: Wind Power Essay Research Paper The wind
Wind Power Essay, Research Paper
The wind turbine, also called a windmill, is a means of harnessing the
kinetic energy of the wind and converting it into electrical energy. This
is accomplished by turning blades called aerofoils, which drive a shaft,
which drive a motor (turbine) and ar e connected to a generator. “It is
estimated that the total power capacity of winds surrounding the earth is
1 x 1011 Gigawatts” (Cheremisinoff 6). The total energy of the winds
fluctuates from year to year. Windmill expert Richard Hills said that the
wind really is a fickle source of power, with wind speeds to low or
inconsistent for the windmill to be of practical use. However, that
hasn’t stopped windmill engineers from trying. Today, there are many
kinds of windmills, some of which serve differen t functions. They are a
complex alternative energy source.
What to consider when building a windmill In choosing where to build a
windmill, there are many important factors to consider. First is the
location: 1) Available wind energy is usually higher near the seacoast or
coasts of very large lakes and offshore islands. 2) Available wind energy
is gene rally high in the central plains region of the U.S. because of the
wide expanses of level (low surface roughness) terrain. 3) Available wind
energy is generally low throughout the Southeastern U.S. except for
certain hills in the Appalachian and Blue Rid ge Mountains, the North
Carolina coast, and the Southern tip of Florida. This is because of the
influence of the “Bermuda high” pressure system, which is a factor
especially during the summer. Also important to consider is the wind
where you are going to build: 1) the mean wind speed (calculated my
cubing the averages and taking the mean of the cubes) and its seasonal
variations. 2) The probability distribution of wind speed and of extreme
wi nds. The mean wind speed must be high enough, and the distribution must
be so that all the data points are very similar. 3) The height variation