Статья: Язык обработки графов на базе JAVA

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7. Terrence W. Pratt, Daniel P. Friedman. A language extension for graph processing and its formal semantics. Communications of the ACM, July 1971, Volume 14 Issue 7. 460-467.

8. Medha Shukla Sarkar. GXL: a new graph transformation language Proceedings of the 42nd annual southeast regional conference. 2004. 336-340.

9. M. F. Kleyn, J. C. Browne. A high level language for specifying graph based languages and their programming environments. Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Software Engineering . 1993. 324-335.

10. Thorsten Daum, Robert G. Sargent. A Java based system for specifying hierarchical control flow graph models. Proceedings of the 29th conference on Winter simulation. 1997 . 150-157.

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