Статья: On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elements

E.G. Smirnova, Omsk State University, Mathematical Department

1. Introduction

Let G=Fn/V be a free in some variety group of rank n. An element On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elementsis called primitive if and only if g can be included in some basis g=g1,g2,...,gn of G. The aim of this note is to consider a presentation of elements of free groups in abelian and metabelian varieties as a product of primitive elements. A primitive length |g|pr of an element On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elementsis by definition a smallest number m such that g can be presented as a product of m primitive elements. A primitive length |G|pr of a group G is defined as On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elements, so one can say about finite or infinite primitive length of given relatively free group.

Note that |g|pr is invariant under action of Aut G. Thus this notion can be useful for solving of the automorphism problem for G.

This note was written under guideness of professor V. A. Roman'kov. It was supported by RFFI grant 95-01-00513.

2. Presentation of elements of a free abelian group of rank n as a product of primitive elements

Let An be a free abelian group of rank n with a basis a1,a2,...,an. Any element On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elementscan be uniquelly written in the form

On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elements.

Every such element is in one to one correspondence with a vector On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elements. Recall that a vector (k1,...,kn) is called unimodular, if g.c.m.(k1,...,kn)=1.

Лемма 1. An element On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elementsof a free abelian group An is primitive if and only if the vector (k1,...,kn) is unimodular.

Доказательство. Let On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elements, then On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elements. If c is primitive, then it can be included into a basis c=c1,c2,...,cn of the group An. The group On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elements(n factors) in such case, has a basis On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elements, where On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elementsmeans the image of ci. However, On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elements, that contradics to the well-known fact: An(d) is not allowed On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elementsgenerating elements. Conversely, it is well-known , that every element c=a1k1,...,ankn such that g.c.m.(k1,...,kn)=1 can be included into some basis of a group An.

Note that every non unimodular vector On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elementscan be presented as a sum of two unimodular vectors. One of such possibilities is given by formula (k1,...,kn)=(k1-1,1,k3,...,kn)+(1,k2-1,0,...,0).

Предложение 1. Every element On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elements, On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elements, can be presented as a product of not more then two primitive elements.

Доказательсво. Let c=a1k1...ankn for some basis a1,...an of An. If g.c.m.(k1,...,kn)=1, then c is primitive by Lemma 1. If On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elements, then we have the decomposition (k1,...,kn)=(s1,...,sn)+(t1,...,tn) of two unimodular vectors. Then c=(a1s1...ansn)(a1t1...antn) is a product of two primitive elements.

Corollary.It follows that |An|pr=2 for On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elements. ( Note that On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elements.

3. Decomposition of elements of the derived subgroup of a free metabelian group of rank 2 as a product of primitive ones

Let On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elementsbe a free metabelian group of rank 2. The derived subgroup M'2 is abelian normal subgroup in M2. The group On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elementsis a free abelian group of rank 2. The derived subgroup M'2 can be considered as a module over the ring of Laurent polynomials

On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elements.

The action in the module M'2 is determined as On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elements,where On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elementsis any preimage of element On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elementsin M2, and

On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elements.

Note that for On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elements, On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elementswe have


Any automorphism On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elementsis uniquelly determined by a map

On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elements

On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elements.

Since M'2 is a characteristic subgroup, On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elementsinduces automorphism On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elementsof the group A2 such that

On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elements

On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elements

Consider an automorphism On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elementsof the group M2, identical modM'2, which is defined by a map

On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elements,

On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elements

By a Bachmuth's theorem from [1] On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elementsis inner, thus for some On a decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group as a productof primitive elementswe have


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