Статья: Some problems of borrowing in the Russian language

So, I have tried to analyse spelling of foreign words from the business written language monument of the XVII century. Words in the Russian language are borrowed by translation, transplantation, transliteration and transphoning. There are three ways of reproducing foreign words in "Vesty- Kuranty. 1600-1639.", the tendency to transliteration being observed.

Being introduced by one of the ways a foreign word interacts the borrowing language system. There are basic adaptive processes in loans in the XVII century: simplification, contamination, assimilation and dissimilation, metathesis, morphological and semantic analogies and hypercorrection.

It can be concluded that spelling of a medieval written language monument is a very complicated phenomenon requiring detailed examination and combined description. There is an urgent necessity to work out a technique of orthographical analysis demonstrating not phonetic and morphological features of monuments but the system relations in the orthographical sphere. This article doesn't claim the completed technique of orthographical analysis but it could be considered as an attempt to approach solution of the problem.

Список литературы

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