Топик: Air Pollution in Russia
And, finally, in the Far East district (10 subjects of the Federation) 23 from 27 checked up cities indicated the air pollution above the limit, and 5 of them - more than in 10 times.
The situation is bad in the cities of Primorie and the Khabarovsk Territories, but it is the most adverse in the Kamchatka Region, where 81% of the urban population live in the zone with a high air pollution level.
At the first sight the situation is not quite logical: the industry in Russia works now not so intensively, as earlier, and the air remains dirty.
But the matter is that the atmosphere cannot be divided by borders, as the terrestrial territory. Polluting substances are transferred on long distances from one country into another. It is called transboundary air pollution.
For example, in 2000 2,4 million tons of the oxidized sulfur and nitrogen fell out on the European part of Russia. More than half of this amount (57%) is the result of the transboundary transfer. And mainly - from the Ukraine, Poland, Byelorussia, Romania and Germany.
Of course, "the Russian air" wanders towards other countries too. But its share in the crossboundary changes is only 11,3%. In other words, the Russian enterprises located in the European part, emitted 1,4 Million tons of harmful substances into the atmosphere, but only 160,3 thousand tons of them dropped out on the territory of other countries.
One of the most painful problems is the fall-out of heavy metals, especially of lead. 2739 tons of it fell out on the European territory of Russia (68,5 tons of cadmium as well), more than half of it has the transboundary origin.
As for the lead, it is necessary to tell some words about it because the problem remains very acute. In 1997 the thorough analytical "Report on lead environmental contamination of the Russian Federation and its influence on the health of the population", also known as "The White book", was devoted to this issue (it was written and edited by REFIA. It is possible to familiarize with the full text of the Report on the REFIA web www.refia.ru).
And by 2000 the joint Russian-American work "Lead in the environment and health of the population of Russia" was issued.
Alas, lead danger is a reality for now. And not only for those who live in the cities close to the accumulator plant of St.-Petersburg or near the copper-smelting industrial complex in the Krasnouralsk; in the Gus'-Khrustalniy (manufacture of a glass and crystal) or in the Pervouralsk (copper-smelting plant). In the cities of Ekaterinburg, Saratov and Volgograd, for example, motor transport is the basic source of lead delivering into the environment.
But there is also both the aviation and the space-rocket engineering; even the hunting, which is habitual for many people. Why - hunting? Because after it almost one and a half thousand tons of lead substances (!) remain in the soil (land) annually.
So, if we put it all together - it will be more than enough to kill everything alive around. Especially because of the fact that lead is not only toxic, but has the feature of accumulating in an organism (for mammals - in the brain and in the liver).
Certainly, the strategy for lead pollution control exists. But the advantage will be only when it will be implemented at least by halves. It is possible to hope the release of ethylated gasoline reduces; that doctors have learned to reduce negative influence of lead on the children health (they suffer in the first turn); that the copper-smelting industry will install new cleaning facilities etc.
The problem of lead is close to the existing in Russia problem of mercury. Though from almost 70 tons, which fell out from the atmosphere onto Russian territory, only 3,5 tons belong to the Russian sources, what makes only 5%. Other 95%, as they say, are brought be the wind - that means we speak about transboundary pollution again.
For the sake of justice it is necessary to say, that the neighbors are not guilty in all of our troubles with the air quality. For example, about 80 tons of benzo-a-pyrene fell out on the European part of Russia in a year, and more than 66 of them (that is 83%) - is a share of our own Russian sources.
Список литературы
Pankeev, N. Rybalskiy, A. Dumnov, V. Snakin, A. Fyodorov, V. Gorbatovsky. The Environment of Russia on the Border Between the Millennia. The popular report on state of the environment in Russia. - M.: REFIA, NIA-Priroda, 2003.