Топик: Грамматика




He told me that he was a farmer.

I informed her that I could not come.

The word ‘that’ is often omitted after ‘tell’.

I told them you were at the dentist.

You can also mention the hearer as the object of the verb with ‘promise’ and ‘warn’.

I promised her that I wouldn't be late.

5 Note the differences between ‘say’ and ‘tell’. You cannot use ‘say’ with the hearer as the object of the verb. You cannot say ‘I said them you had gone’. You cannot use ‘tell’ without the hearer as the object of the verb. You cannot say ‘I told that you had gone’. You cannot use ‘tell’ with ‘to’ and the hearer. You cannot say ‘I told to them you had gone’.

6 The reporting verbs that have the hearer as object, such as ‘tell’, can be used in the passive.

She was told that there were no tickets left.

Most reporting verbs that do not need the hea

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