Топик: Internet

Rambler has close to an optimum conclusion of results of search. Even in a normal form the link on found object inserts the complete information. The system is designed in such a manner that the same document in the various coding is shown in the various coding are shown only once, and his(its) concrete addresses are summarized in the list. it’s a reduces time on analyze of the received results because of absence of duplication of the same documents.

The main lack Rambler consists in impossibility to carry out search on the whole phase or even to specify in searches limiting distance of the required terms from each other. The casual combination of completely untied words results in distribution of the links on the documents, are absolutely not relevant to search.


The retrieval system Апорт (http://www.апорт.ru) is supplied with weight of various functions carrying her(it) number user-friendliest.

One consists of the main advantages Апорт in ample opportunities of drawing up of search. Besides the traditional operators "both" and “or”, search on the whole phase, the system is capable to isolate combinations of the terms located in the text by a number (line) with each other. Апорт offers an opportunity of machine translation of search with Russian on the English language and on the contrary. Both Rambler, and Апорт are capable to allocate the same document in the various coding and to give out the link to him (it) only of time, listing(transferring) concrete addresses in the list URL. Unfortunately, thus the items of information on the out-of-date versions of the same page in time do not leave which are listed (transferred) as existing, having a difference only in date of updating. One more lack of this system is not always correct processing of the names of pages, because of what as a result of search the document without the name » frequently is underlined «.


Retrieval system Яndex (http://www.yandex.ru), where besides servers of domains «ru< and «su< Яndex индексирует the contents of foreign Russian Web-sites.

The main distinctive feature of this system is the deep morphological analysis of the process able terms. The most powerful linguistics allows to take into account practically all possible (probable) shades of the use of keywords and to make search maximum precisely. Яndex has the good mechanism of recognition of one document in the several coding or on mirror servers.

After leading Russian тройкой there are some more search means, among which “ the Russian machine of search ” (http://search.interrussia.com), "«TELA-search" (http://tela.dux.ru/) and Russian Internet Search (http://www.search.ru). While all these servers do not differ neither breadth of search, nor by comfort, and can be used only as addition to conducting search means.

The search service in the Russian block Internet, as well as all over the world, develops promptly. There is no doubt, that in the near future parameters of existing systems will be raised, the new generations of search means giving to the users still (even) the large opportunities will appear.

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