Топик: К.Э. Циолковский

1) Creation of rocket airplanes with wings.

2) Progressively increasing the speed and altitude of these airplanes.

3) Production of real rockets-without wings.

4) Ability to land on the surface of the sea.

5) Reaching excape velocity (about 8 Km/second), and the first flight into Earth orbit.

6) Lengthening rocket flight times in space.

7) Experimental use of plants to make an artificial atmosphere in spacships.

8) Using pressurized space suits for activity outside of spaceships.

9) Making orbiting greenhouses for plants.

10) Constructing large orbital habitats around the Earth.

11) Using solar radiation to grow food, to heat space quarters, and for transport throughout the Solar System.

12) Colonization of the asteroid belt.

13) Colonization of the entire Solar System and beyond.

14) Acheivement of individual and social perfection.

15) Overcrowding of the Solar System and the colonization of the Milky Way (the Galaxy).

16) The Sun begins to die and the people remaining in the Solar System's population go to other suns.

Kosmodemyanksy, Arkady A., 1956. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky: His Life and Works. Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow, Russia.

Shkolenko, Yuri, 1987. The Space Age . Progress, Moscow.

Samiolovitch, Sergei, I., 1969. Citizen of the Universe: Sketches of the Life and Works of Konstantin Eduardovitch Tsiolkovsky (in Russian). Tsiolkovsiy State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics, Kaluga, Russia.

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